“Actually, I thought I’d stay.” I drag my gaze away from Dax and smile at the girl, Olivia. She smiles back, her body language relaxing a little. I don’t blame her for her apprehension, Dax is intimidating at the best of times.

“If you’re going to stay then you’re going to need to take part. I won’t have any slackers in my class,” Dax challenges, lifting a brow.

“Fine by me.”

Thirty minutes into the lesson, Dax has taught the kids some basic street dance steps and a quick routine. Like me, he has also established who in the group has the most natural talent and who needs an extra hand. He crooks his finger at Justin. “Up front,” he says.

Justin steps forward with a cocky swagger. He winks at Olivia, who blushes. I notice how Tam, the kid with the beautiful smile and chin dimples, glances at her when he thinks no one’s looking. Looks like Olivia’s got herself another admirer. She catches his gaze and smiles back shyly.

“You’re a good dancer. Got a lot of natural ability.”

Justin grins, smirking. “Cheers.”

“But you’re not the best. Sidney, come on up.”

Justin’s jaw drops as the youngest boy in the group steps forward. He looks at least a year younger than the other boys, around twelve I’d say. Dax drops his large hand on Sidney’s shoulder. “Wanna tell me how you learnt to dance?”

“YouTube,” he replies quietly.

I can’t help but smile.

“Like someone else I know.” Dax glances at me and I feel my cheeks flush under his scrutiny. “Pen here has been dancing since she was a kid about your age, probably before that actually. She’s one of the most talented dancers in the Academy. She started out learning to dance by watching YouTube videos then crafted her skill by dancing with her friends.” He lets his gaze linger on me before looking away again.

“So are you saying we’ll all become great dancers by watching YouTube? If I’d known that, I wouldn’t have bothered coming here,” Justin scoffs, obviously feeling a little salty for not being the best dancer in his crew.

“No, I’m saying that anyone can learn to dance if they really want it badly enough but ultimately, dance is just an expression of how you feel, and we all feel, right? Sidney here gave me the most emotion. That makes him the best dancer.”

“Hear that, Sid, you’re basically a pansy,” Justin laughs, and Sidney’s head drops, his face blushing furiously. No one else laughs and then it’s Justin’s turn to go red-faced. “What? Everyone knows Sid’sgay.”

“I’m not gay, arsehole,” Sidney says fiercely, his fingers curling into his fists.

Dax scowls and I see his fingers squeeze hold of Sidney’s shoulder gently in support. “It takes a small man to pick on a kid, but a bigger man to embrace his feelings,” Dax says to Justin. “You, my friend, will never be as talented as Sidney here because you’re afraid of your feelings. Putting someone else down to make you feel good about yourself ain’t fucking cool. Apologise. Right the fuck now.”

Justin’s face turns an even deeper red. He glances at Olivia, presumably for support, but she’s glaring at him too. “Sorry, man,” he mutters.

“Good. If you’re going to be in my dance lessons you listen to my advice, do as I say, and don’t be a goddamn bully. Understand?” Dax growls.

“Got it,” all the kids mutter in unison.


“So, erm, do you dance with your feelings then?” Sidney asks, looking up at Dax, a frown on his face.

“What, you don’t think I can?” he asks, chuckling.

“Well, you’re kinda tough looking. I mean… Shit, no offence,” Sidney mutters, his cheeks flaming.

“Dancing isn’t just about following the steps. You need to dance with feeling.”

The kids don’t look particularly convinced and I can’t help but step in. “Why not show them, Dax?” He locks gazes with me. “Show them that you’re so much more than your appearance leads them to believe. Show them you have heart and integrity when you dance.”

Show me. Show me the boy I loved is still within you.

He holds my gaze and I see his indecision, then he jerks his chin towards the bench. “Take a seat.”

Dax sets up the music, then he moves to the centre of the studio and we all wait for him to begin.