
Livid doesn’t even cover it.

I’m fucking furious.

How dare Dax go behind my back like this. Is he really not man enough to tell me himself that he no longer wants to partner me? What’s up with that shit? My fake smile drops from my face as I storm around the Academy in search of the man who once swore to protect me. I shove past students who are filing out of the building, no doubt heading home to their families to share a meal and talk about their day. A bitterness settles inside my stomach as I watch them all laughing and joking, not a care in the world.

All I’ve ever wanted was security, a family, ahomefilled with people who love me, who give a shit about what I’ve done during my day. Instead, I was given a mother who fucking looks at me like a piece of shit beneath her shoe and a brother who looks at me in a way no brother should ever look at his sister.

For a brief time, Ihadthat family I longed for. The Breakers became my whole world and whilst Zayn has recently shown me that he’s willing to start again, none of the others have. I know how close they all are, and I also know that Zayn’s decision to fix what’s broken between us isn’t going to go down well. It will cause a wedge between them. Perhaps it already has if this bullshit is anything to go by.

“Well, if it isn’t our very ownstreet rat,” Tiffany says, as I pass her by. She’s so irrelevant to my life that I didn’t even notice her until she stepped out in front of my path. She’s with Sophie and another male student I don’t recognise.

“Fuck off. I don’t have time for your bullshit today,” I retort, stepping to the side and walking around her, only to be yanked back when her bony fingers wrap around my upper arm.

“Now, now, don’t be rude,” she titters, gleefully. I don’t know what’s got up her nose, but she can fuck right off if she thinks I’m going to let her touch me without repercussions.

“Don’t fucking touch me again!” I snarl, twisting on my feet and shoving her against the wall. Her eyes widen as a woosh of breath leaves her mouth from the force, but she recovers quickly.

A glimmer of amusement flashes in her gaze and a nasty smile spreads across her face. “I’m going to enjoy this,” she smirks.


“Looks like you got dumped,street rat, and guess who’s taking your place?”

Next to her, Sophie grins, and if I wasn’t already about to knock one stupid bitch out, she’d be getting a Pen knuckle-sandwich too. Still might if she doesn’t wipe that smile off of her face.

“Dumped?” My stomach rolls over and I pray to fucking God she’s not talking about Zayn. We’ve kissed, we called a truce and I’m not naïve enough to think we’re together like we once were, but still, the thought of any kind of rejection stings. I’ve never been a sensitive flower, but I’m not completely infallible, especially when it comes to the Breakers.

“Guess who’s partnering with Dax now?” Her smile grows, and I have the sudden urge to stuff my fist down her throat and yank her nasty tongue out of her mouth. He better not have dropped me for this basic bitch. “Yep, that’s right.Me. You’re looking at Dax’s new duet partner.”

“Bullshit. Tuillard told me she declined Dax’s request.”

“Well, Madame Tuillard isn’t the one who gave him the nod. D-Neath did, and we all know she’s his bitch. Besides, why do you care? You never wanted him as your duet partner, so what’s the big fucking deal anyway?”

“You’re full of shit,” I retort, knowing in my heart that she’s telling the truth, but saying it anyway. I’ll be damned if I give her the satisfaction of being right.

“Go ask him yourself. We’ve just finished rehearsing in Studio Five. He’s all worked up from dancing with me. Nice and sweaty. I’ve never been partial to a man covered in that many tattoos, but I could be persuaded.” She laughs, and Sophie smothers a smirk. The guy standing with them looks horrified. He should find some new friends. “A man that…big, has got to have a beautiful dick to match.”

“You fucking bitch!” I shout, slamming my hand against the wall besides her head. She flinches, fear flashing across her face briefly before she hides it behind a nasty grin. She sure has a death wish, but I don’t have time for her shit right now. I let her go with a shove, ignoring the pain racing up my arm and the vicious remarks that follow me down the hallway. She can go fuck herself. This isnothappening.

The door to Studio Five slams open from the force of my anger, smashing against the wall. Dax is standing topless in the centre of the room, his gaze lifts slowly to meet mine. He doesn’t say a word, so I say three for him.

“You fucking coward!” I shout, my chest heaving.

“It’s done.”

“That’s it? That’s fuckingit! I get to hear from Tiffany that you’ve dropped me for her!” I laugh hysterically, too angry to even allow the tears to fall. They burn my eyes, but I blink them back. “You don’t give me any say in the matter?”

“Did you?”


“Did you give me, giveusany say in the matter whenyoudecided to walk away?”

“I—” My mouth pops open then slams shut because really, what the fuck can I say to that other than he’s right? I didn’t.