Grim snorts. “Well, no, but I’m trying to make this as palatable as possible. I might be a woman, but I’m not a cunt. Jeb is. I’m the lesser of two evils.”

“I’m not sure that makes me feel any better. I’ve grown up knowing bad people. I’ve lived amongst the wolves my whole life, just because you didn’t attack the moment we met doesn’t mean I can trust you not to hurt me in the future.”

“You’re wise to keep your head, Pen. I admire that…” Her voice trails off as she mulls over what I’ve said. “Listen, you do right by me, I’ll do right by you. That’s the only guarantee I can give you.”

I think for a moment. Grim is an unknown, but so far she’s proven to be a woman of her word. At least while working for her, I’ll be earning money doing something I love. Four hundred pounds for two nights of dancing is better than I could’ve hoped for. Drawing in a shaky breath, I nod my head. “Okay.”

“Good. Your first performance will be in three weeks right after Dax’s fight against Beast. I intend on getting the punters’ blood pumping with violence and then woo them with your dance moves. I want you to show those motherfuckers what it truly means to be a performer.”

Shit, Dax’s fight with Beast, I’d almost forgotten about that. “Is Beast really as fierce as he seems?” I ask, when really all I want to know is if he’s capable of killing Dax.

“Yes, he is. He’s every bit as monstrous in the cage as his name suggests.”

“Fuck,” I whisper.

“Fuck indeed. Beast won’t hold back. He fights to win, every time. Dax is a great fighter, but he has no control. If he wants to survive Beast in the ring, he’ll need to focus.”

“I can’t see him hurt,” I admit.

“I get it, but there’s no going back now. This is out of my hands. All I can assure you is that Beast won’t kill him. That punishment is only reserved for his enemies. Dax hasn’t stepped over that line. He just needs to be taught a lesson.”

“That’s not very reassuring.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be. I don’t tolerate anyone abusing my rules. The only reason Dax wasn’t shot was because of you. He’s not lying in a morgue right now because you stepped in. That boy owes you his life, but I get the distinct impression he’s too fucking stupid to realise that.”

I sigh heavily. “Maybe you’re right.”

“Not maybe. Absolutely. You saved him. End of. Let’s hope Beast knocks some sense into him.”

Wincing, I don’t respond to that. Instead I steer the conversation back to my new job. “So what time do I need to be at the club on my first night?”

“We open at nine. You’ll be on at midnight, but I expect you to be there at seven. In fact, if you need to rehearse before then you’re welcome to come any night of the week before. Just drop me a message and Beast will open up for you.”

“Will I be dancing in the cage?”

“In the cage, around the cage, on the fucking table like you did Friday. I’ll leave it up to you. If you want to work with the girls, let me know. I’ll make sure they’re available.”

“Okay. I’ll figure out a routine and let you know if I’ll need them, or anyone else.”

“Good. Talk soon,” Grim says, cutting off my reply.

I flick off my phone and flop back onto my bed, my heart beating wildly. Part of me is excited about the prospect of being able to dance and earn money whilst I do what I love, but a bigger part is fucking terrified. Instead of getting away from this criminal world I’ve tried so hard to keep out of, I’m getting pulled further into its depths. I feel like I’m treading water in the ocean with a bunch of sharks circling me, just waiting for the moment when one of them attacks.