It's a fucking herculean task and dragging my lips away from her is painful, but I do it. I lie down beside her, my finger capturing a tear that rolls down her cheek whilst she resolutely looks up at the ceiling. I see her drawing strength from deep inside. I see her shoring up her reserves, replenishing the empty well within that the events of this evening have stolen from her. Tomorrow, when we’re rested, we can talk. Until then, I intend on holding her all fucking night long, but first my apology. Words aren’t enough, but for now they’re all I have.

“I’m sorry, Kid. I’m so fucking sorry for it all.”

“I’m sorry too,” she replies, then turns on her side and pulls her legs up to her chest, hugging herself close. It’s a closed position, and one that is self-comforting, but screw that. She needs to know I’m here, that I’ve got her back, so despite my bastard cock growing harder, I wrap my arm around her waist, and curl myself around her body, spooning her.

Before long, her muscles relax, her eyes close, and she falls fast asleep, snoring gently in my arms. Not long after, I hear the front door open, and York cursing my name. I don’t move.

He can come find us. Nothing has the power to drag me away from Kid right now, nothing.

When York pushes open my bedroom door and sees Kid wrapped up in my arms, I expect a mouthful of cusses, threats to my life. Instead, he meets my gaze, relief washing over his features.

“Where are Zayn and Xeno?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

“Doing what you asked.” York flicks his gaze at Kid, his freakish eyes flashing with something I recognise only too well.Protectiveness.

“Yeah?” I snort.

“Yeah. So rest up, bro, cuz that shit’s gonna blow up soon, and you need to be ready for it,” he says.

“Is that so?”

He nods, his fingers wrapping around the doorframe as his gaze trails over Kid. “I’m heading back out to join them, don’t expect us back anytime soon. It’s gonna be a long fucking weekend—” he says, then hesitates.


“When we’re done, we have things to discuss. Just make sure Pen is still here when we get back. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

“And what about Xeno?”

York puffs out a breath, shaking his head. I see the worry in his eyes, and it churns my stomach. “You need me?” I ask, hoping to fuck he doesn’t.

York shakes his head, gritting his jaw. “Right now we need you to take care of Titch. We’ll figure the rest out later,” he says, then quietly closes the door behind him.