“No! No, it’s just a saying… and actually, it was you who said that he ‘tickles your pickle’and that you‘like it’, remember…”
“Oh fuck, no! He doesn’t, I swear it. I would never. I don’t even…”I don’t even know where the clit is. I mean I know now that it’s a part of my lady bits thanks to Zayn, but I’ve never explored down there. Like EVER. What’s grossing me out even more is that it’s been described as a goddamn pickle. I mean, even the small ones are like a mini penis. That can’t be right, can it? I do not have a dick. I almost put my hand over my crotch to check. Almost.
“We know that. It’s just a saying.” He chuckles, giving me a playful shove. Urgh, this is not the conversation I wanted to have with anyone, let alone Zayn. I’ve never wanted the floor to open up and swallow me more than I do right this second. They all must think I’m a complete loser not knowing about this shit. Oh god. This is embarrassing.
“So that’s about it. Any more questions?” Zayn asks.
“Hell no!” I stand, ready to bolt. Honestly though, as much as this is cringeworthy, I actually do have more questions.
So. Many. Questions.
But I don’t ask them. I keep my mouth fucking shut.
“Well, if you ever need to know more, you know where to come.”
“Yup.” Like that is neverevergoing to happen.
“You can come out now, Xeno,” Zayn shouts, grinning at me.
When he emerges Xeno can’t look me in the eye, which is just as well because I really couldn’t feel anymore embarrassed than I do right now, and I can’t face him either. Making my excuses, I leave, practically sprinting out of the basement just like York and Dax had earlier. Behind me I can hear Zayn laughing and Xeno tell him to shut the fuck up.
Later that night at home, I look up ‘the clit’ on the internet and spend the next three hours finding out all about sex and pleasure. My world opens up in ways Ineverimagined, and despite my embarrassment at how the whole subject came up, I can’t help but feel grateful for Zayn’s explanation and the fact a clit looks nothing like a goddamn pickle, because eww. One thing I do know for sure is that from now on in I will be avoiding offering up mypickle to be tickledby any fucking one,especiallythe Breakers.