Page 60 of Beyond the Horizon

“What?” I repeat out loud.

Malakai rears back, releasing me. His eyes widening as he realises what he’s just said. So thisisa booty call? He’s had a taste of the forbidden fruit and now after a year he’s come back to torture me? Hell, no!

Yes, a tiny voice inside protests, but I force it away. I lock it down.

“Idareyou to try,” I bite out, challenge blaring in my voice whilst hope flares inside my chest.

An infuriating calm washes over Malakai as he barks out a laugh. “You think I’m serious? God, Connie, you’re so fucking transparent.”

But I’m not calm, nor am I transparent because if he could look inside of me he’d see that I’m raging, I’m burning, and lustful, and hate-filled. I’m all those things and so much more. My fists clench as angry tears brim on my lashes, so I do the only thing I can think of. I provoke him. “I think you were deadly serious, but here’s the thing Malakai, you’re a coward. You haven’t got the guts to act! You’rescared,” I spit.

Malakai wavers on his feet, opening his mouth to retort. For a second I think he’s going to call my bluff and come for me. Only, he thinks better of it and slams his lips together in a tight line, folding his arms across his chest.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

With one last hard look, Malakai turns on his feet and walks away. I don’t follow.