Page 48 of Beyond the Horizon

“I care for her, it’s true, but I don’t love her in a way that’s dangerous. That’s something I cannot allow myself the luxury of, not whilst the King still lives and breathes.”

Malakai’s shoulders drop, his head hanging a little between them, and for the second time in a few days I see a side to him that he’s kept hidden. Vulnerability oozes out of him before he shuts it down quickly. Straightening his spine, Malakai blows out a sharp breath.

“Ican’tloveanyone, Connie.”

His walls are coming back up. I’m losing him.

“Look at me, Malakai.”

“I can’t do that.”


“Because I’m hanging by a thread, Connie, and I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I told you earlier that I want your jagged edges. I want you to mark me. I can take it. Iwantit. Will you give in to me?”

“You don’t know what you’re asking,” he bites out, the flickering flames casting his features in both light and shadow.

“I know exactly what I’m asking. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. You were wrong when you said I want hearts and flowers. I know this can’t be anything more than just attraction and lust. I don’t expect you to fall for me.”

“It’s too dangerous,” he argues.

“I just want you to kiss me, Malakai. Just a kiss, that’s all I ask.”

“Just a kiss?” he parrots back, turning his head to face me, but refusing to meet my gaze. He’s staring at my feet, a deep frown making a groove between his brows.

“That’s all,” I reassure him. Hoping for more but not daring to ask.

“Iwillleave as soon as Princess is fixed. It won’t be long. This island isn’t my home, Connie. I can’t stay here.” He raises his gaze to my clasped hands, getting bolder, braver. My heart pounds.

“Yes, but you won’t leave right now.”

“No, not right now,” he admits, his piercing gaze finally meeting mine. “But I will go.”

I nod, not willing to think about that. Not willing to think past the here and now, this moment.

“Just one kiss…” he mutters, leaning forward.

“Just one kiss…” I repeat, barely able to breathe as he crawls towards me on his hands and knees.

“Lie down, Connie,” he orders, the low rumble of his voice doing stupid things to my body. I don’t hesitate. I lie back, stretching out beneath him as he straddles me. Already I’m burning with want, the heat from the fire is nothing compared to the fire that burns beneath my skin and the desire that pools between my legs. He crawls up my body until his face is hovering over mine. He stares and stares at me, finally seeing me the way I’ve wanted him to since the moment he stepped onto my beach. He’s drinking me in like a parched man seeing a mirage of a cool pool of water in a hot desert. He knows what he sees isn’t real, that it won’t last, but he can’t look away. I can’t look away either.

Lowering his top half slowly, Malakai brushes a sweet kiss against my lips, a low groan rising up his throat. It’s no more than a whisper of skin on skin, but I can’t help my body’s reaction to him or the tumble of words that form in my mind at his obvious need for me.






