She nods. “Okay, but if he does anything like that again, I won’t let it go next time… What did he say to you anyway? Most of the time he barely talks and that’s when he’s feeling sociable.”
“So you did see…” I slam my mouth shut as she frowns.
“I saw him manhandle you out of the shack. I saw him growling at you like some uncouth beast.” She blows out her cheeks, wincing. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s nothing…” I mumble, the lie heavy on my lips. The truth is, it was so much more than nothing. Malakai lost his cool, and with it had admitted how he felt, even if it was just in the moment. Lust isn’t the same as love, I’m not an idiot, but it’s a hell of a lot better than apathy. The attraction goes both ways. Tonight proved that. All I know is if Malakai had continued to touch me, I’d have let him. If he’d kissed me, I’d have kissed him back. And if he’d taken me back to his boat, I would’ve let him do wicked, wicked things to me.
“Itwasn’tnothing. He needs to check himself before I check him. He was always a bit of an arsehole, but I’ve never seen him like this. So…”
“So what?”
“So…wild.” She shakes her head. “I guess that’s what happens when you’re alone at sea for a whole year. With his past, I guess it was only an amount of time before it caught up with him.”
“His past? Before what catches up with him?”
Lola grimaces. “The trauma…”
“Trauma?” I breathe in deep, my heart pounding for a different reason this time.
“Look, I don’t know everything. Malakai has never opened up to me completely, but over the years I have managed to pick up a few things. Let’s just say that even though his family is shrouded in secret, I’m pretty sure they’re less than desirable. I’d hazard a guess that they’re dangerous, cruel even, given the scars.” Lola slams her mouth shut, regretting being so open.
“I see…”
“It’s why he lives on Princess, why he never settles anywhere, to get away from his family. It’s a lonely life, but I don’t think he has a choice.”
I frown, my mind whirling with questions.
“It doesn’t excuse his behaviour, Connie, but it might explain it.”
“Yeah…” My voice trails off because I don’t really know what to say. Malakai is no more than a stranger regardless of the attraction between us, and I need to keep my head straight.
I need to find out more about Malakai Azaiah Dunbar, and there’s only one person on this island who’s known him longer than Lola…