Page 56 of Beyond the Horizon

She’s no more than ten feet away, and I have the sudden urge to rush forward and crush her against my chest. I want to go to her. I want to pull her into my arms and kiss her breathless. I want to yank down her denim shorts, rip off her swimsuit and fuck her raw. I want to hold her and kiss every goddamn inch of her skin. My body sways, drawn to her inexplicably. Somehow, some way, I manage to keep myself glued to the floor.

Jesus Christ, I expected to be affected by being near her again, but not like this. This is too much, too intense. It’s a violent attraction that has my head spinning and my skin burning.

Does she burn for me too? Fuck, I hope so.

“Well?” Connie insists, still standing in the doorway with the sunlight streaming in behind her. It keeps her face in shadow but hugs her body with a golden glow. I’ve never been jealous of the sun until now. “Haven’t you got something to say, Malakai?”

Swallowing hard, my mouth pops open, but no words will come.

“What do youwant,Malakai?”

Her question comes out harsh, brittle and that makes me pull up straight, that makes me stand to attention. I don’t know what I expected, but thiscoldnesswasn’t it. Has this interloper, Peter, turned her head so irrevocably that she no longer sees me? Where has the girl gone who sent me all those texts? Who kept me awake at night, who soothed my soul with her sweet words? God knows I didn’t deserve to receive them, but day by day I began to rely on them. She kept me sane. All that time she kept me sane and all that time I never responded.

Her eyes narrow at me, her nostrils flaring. I see the repercussions of my silence right here in front of me. She hates me. She should.

“Come in. Shut the door,” I finally manage to grind out, biting back all the words I want to say, biting back the apology that sits on my lips.

Connie hesitates, her face still shadowed in darkness, then she looks over her shoulder at someone leaning against the siding outside. I catch her beautiful profile and draw in a sharp, painful breath.

“I’ll see you later, Peter. I’m going to bring my guitar and sing a few songs at Lola’s Shack tonight,” she says.

Sing tonight? Since when does she sing for an audience? The last time I was here Lola told me she didn’t have enough confidence to sing in front of strangers. Has this Peter fucker somehow helped to boost her confidence? Has she sung for him, has she pressed her eyes closed and let those private words flow like she had that morning at the harbour? My fucking gut twists at the thought that she might’ve shared a piece of her soul with someone other than me.

“Cool… Are you sure you’re okay?” a jovial, accented voice responds.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“You know where to find me if you needanything…” His voice trails off, and whilst I’m almost one hundred percent certain he can’t see me within the darkness of the shop, I sure as shit can see him. The prick’s no more than twenty tops and he looks like he’s just walked out of the waves with a surfboard.


Over the past year I’ve heard talk about the King and how he’s been recruiting youngsters to do his dirty work. If this shithead is connected to the King, then he’s as good as dead. Even if he’s not, his arse is gonna end up in the English fucking Channel regardless. One thing is painfully clear, I do not like him hanging around Connie. He needs to back the fuck off.

“Who the fuck is that?” I snap, an insane jealousy making acid in my blood. I left her. What the fuck did I think would happen? She’s a beautiful, sweet, soulful, and sometimes sassy girl. A dick hardening combination.

Connie ignores me. “See you later, Peter,” she says softly. There’s familiarity there. She likes him. I catch the cute smile that she gives him, and I have the sudden urge to rip his fucking head off right here, right now, regardless as to whether he’s connected to the King or not. “Prick,” I can’t help but mutter.

Connie snaps her head back around. “I see some things haven’t changed…”

“Shut the door, Connie,” I order, forcing my hands into my jean pockets so I don’t reach for her and claim her mouth as my own, like some love-starved pussy. I’m fucking stronger than this.

“Please,” she prompts, but whilst I’m sure she meant to chastise me, the word sounds like a plea. Immediately, it takes me back to the night when she begged me to kiss her and I’d given in.Just one kiss… that’s all I’d promised.

“Please,” I repeat, forcing the coldness into my voice whilst trying not to fucking crack and throw myself at her mercy.

Connie steps into the shop and closes the door behind her. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust as I blink back the dark spots caused by the sunlight. When my vision clears I have to hold in the groan that has risen up my throat. She was beautiful when I left her. Now she’s goddamn stunning. Her hair has grown longer and falls almost to her waist in a tangle of wet waves. Her figure is more curvaceous. The swell of her breasts are high and tight against her swimsuit, the roundness of her hips and slim waist making her the perfect hourglass shape. But it’s her eyes that hold my attention the most. Within them is a deep longing and a blind anger that has my skin heating, my heart fucking stuttering and my cock jumping to attention.

She’s mad. So fucking mad, and I can’t blame her in the slightest. I deserve all her rage, all her anger. I deserve every last drop. I need her to hate me because if she caves, then I’ll cave too, and neither of us will survive the consequences of that.

“What do youwant, Malakai?” she repeats bluntly, folding her arms across her chest.

Now isn’t that the fifty-million-dollar question? WhatdoI want? It’s a simple question that has a very complicated answer.

I want her. That much I do know.

And yet it can’t be that simple. Itisn’tthat simple.

I can’t have her. There’s too much at stake. If this Peter prick is one of the King’s men, then she’s in immediate danger. Even if he isn’t, she’s still in danger, because if the King finds out I actually give a shit about Connie then he will hurt her to get to me. Knowing that is like a knife to the gut. I can’t possibly tell her that I came back because I missed her. So, what the fuckdoI say?