“Fuck, Asia, this is insane,” Kate mutters, ducking as a plate comes hurtling towards her. When I whirl around, Diamond, Emerald and Red are smiling evilly. I can see the intent written plainly on their faces. For all of a minute we’ve avoided the ever-increasing brawl, but now it’s reached us, the metaphorical bubble is about to burst.

“Get the fuck out of here, Kate,” I demand, shoving her away from me.

“I’ll stay and fight.” She holds her fists up in front of her face in a defensive stance.

“The fuck you will. You heard what Camden said. GO!” I shout. “I can deal with these bitches.”



She nods once, then runs.

I don’t get time to see whether she makes it out of the dining hall because Red’s fist is flying towards my face. I spin away, twisting on my foot and turn in a full circle bringing my right fist up. It meets her jaw with a sickening thud. Red wobbles on her feet and I kick out, my foot landing in her stomach, not giving her a moment to recover from the punch.

This isn’t some controlled fight in the ring with Cal supervising. We’ve reverted back to our roots. We’re street kids, with street rules, and we fight until one of us can’t fight anymore.

Red doubles over, stumbling back into Diamond who happens to be standing behind her.

Emerald, who managed to sidestep in time, snarls. “You evil bitch!”

I laugh, the sound abnormal, unhinged even.

“Me,evil? You don’t know the half of it,” I counter, painfully aware that the King’s blood runs through my veins. It’s nature vs nurture. I always assumed I am the way I am because I had a shitty mum, a crappy childhood and got into trouble at the drop of a hat. Given my lineage I’m not sure I know the answer anymore.

Emerald hesitates, proving to me that she knows all about my father. But a dark smile pulls up her lips and she comes for me anyway. This tells me something important. Either she’s not afraid of the King (which I find highly unlikely) or he’s given them all permission to fuck me up.

I’m thinking the latter. My hate for him grows to exponential levels.

Fuck him. Fuck him.Fuckhim!

I glance quickly over at Camden and Ford who are in the thick of a huge brawl. I can’t tell if they’re winning or not, given there’s so many of them. My gaze flicks back to Emerald, my eyes narrowing. “Sure you want to pick a fight with me, bitch?”

“Oh, I’ve been wanting this for a while now, Asia. You’re nothing but a bastard child of a whore,” she counters, her lip curling over her pretty white teeth before she punches me hard on my arm.

The punch barely registers beneath my rage at her belittling someone I love.

No one cusses my mum.

No. Fucking. One.

I punch her so hard that her two front teeth fly out of her mouth alongside a spurt of crimson blood, ruining that pretty little mouth of hers. She screams, clutching her face as she backs off. Red screams in rage coming for me again. I act fast, not willing to let her get a hit in. Launching forwards, I punch her repeatedly until she’s nothing but a quivering heap on the floor. When I turn for Diamond, ready to take her out too, all I see is the back of her chicken-shit arse as she runs from the room and barrels into Cal and Mr Burnside.

For a moment they stand and stare in shock. Behind them, Mr Carmichael enters flanked by two guards. My nostrils flare and my heart thunders inside my chest when I catch his eye.

Around me tables are being turned over, plates and bowls are being used as missiles, smashing against the walls and the floors as we descend into brutal violence.

Fists and feet hit their mark.

Blood splatters mixing with sweat and spit.

Kids grunt and roar.

Teeth gnash and bite.

It’s a fucking colossal, violent mess of limbs and arms andblood.

In the midst of it all, Mr Carmichael and I stare at one another over the battling crews. He doesn’t shout. He doesn’t throw curses across the room. He doesn’t even move off into the crowd immediately like Cal, Mr Burnside and the rest of the guards who followed them in, do. No, Mr Carmichael stares directly at me and only me. After a beat, respect fills his gaze.