“Pink only has value when I have you to bargain with. You leave, she’s dead.”

Mr Carmichael gets up, traversing his table and stooping before me. It occurs to me that this is a perfect opportunity for me to save my friend. I could kill him. Right now. I could try and do it. Yet, I don’t.

I fucking let him talk.

“How do you know the King wants me dead? Did he say specifically he wanted you to killme?”

“You’re the Black Sheep. I read the fucking note. It’s obvious.”

“I guess it is,” he says, giving me an intense look.

“‘There’s only one way out. I’ll see you in Hell.’ Does that ring any fucking bells?”

“Yes, sadly, it does.”

“Then you must know that you’re the one with a target on your back? You must’ve really pissed him off. Was the person you put in a wheelchair someone close to him?”

“Being close to someone implies feelings are involved. The King doesn’t feel, Asia. He has no heart, or if he does it’s as black as fucking night.” Mr Carmichael stands suddenly, backing off. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you from him. This is the only way.”

“For you, this is the only way foryou. Well, fuck you, Mr Carmichael! You’re a goddam coward and a fucking liar.”

He just nods tightly, not disagreeing.

“You told me once that protecting someone who’s wronged you isn’t brave, it’s cowardly. What you’re doing now,thatis cowardly. I should kill you.”

“But you won’t…”

I flinch as though he’s struck me. Of all the things he’s said, those three words hurt the most. They cut to the bone because deep down inside I know it’s fucking true and that,thatis why Pink will die because I can’t do it.

“Does Mr Burnside know how weak his husband is? Does he know that you’d rather run than stay and fight? Does he know who youtrulyare? Can he see what I see?” I press, spitting out my hate with as much passion as I can muster.

At least this time Mr Carmichael flinches. Isn’t that what the King said? According to him, love makes you weak. Anthony is his weakness.

“He knows some things, but not everything. It’s safer that way,” Mr Carmichael responds tightly. “I’ve asked Anthony to stay on at Oceanside. He loves his job. He wants to continue to help even when I can’t…”

“When youcan’t?” I snort. “Don’t you mean when youwon’t?”

Mr Carmichael sits back down, folding his arms across his chest. “Anthony will work with Cal and the staff to keep this place running until they find a suitable replacement,” he continues, ignoring my accusation completely.

“And you’re letting him stay knowing the King is after you, knowing he could just as easily kidnap Mr Burnside and threaten his life too? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“With all the new security he’s much safer here than with me.”

“You make mesick!” I spit.

“What do you want from me, Asia?”

It's a rhetorical question, and one in which he doesn’t expect an answer though I give him one anyway. My eyes narrow into slits as he looks at me with stone cold silence. He’s shut down. Closed himself off to any kind of obligation or feeling. Whoever he was before when he took revenge for his brother’s death, he sure as fuck ain’t him now. I give him one last disdainful look then get up from my seat. When I reach the door I turn to face him, making sure that my gaze trails up his body slowly as I sneer at him.

“From you I want nothing, absolutely nothing.”

We don’t need him. We don’t need any of them.

Tonightmycrew,myfamily is taking matters into our own hands.

We’re going to rescue Pink or die trying.