“You ready, Asia?” Cal asks me the following evening as he checks the wires attached to my chest one last time. He fiddles with the recording equipment, making sure it’s working properly before nodding.

I lower my t-shirt, then pull on my hoody, zipping it up.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I lie, feeling far from it. I’m fucking scared. So scared of this going tits-up. The King said to go alone, and whilst that’s what it’ll look like on the surface, Cal isn’t stupid enough to actually let that happen. He’s called in more favours and I’ll be watched by a man and a woman posing as a couple on a night out at the pier. I’ve studied a photo of them for the last hour. They look like they’re in their mid-thirties and not vaguely capable of stepping in, should I need them to. Then again, looks can be deceiving. Perhaps that’s a good thing, the King won’t suspect them.

“Jan and Doug are well-versed in this kind of thing. Both have been bodyguards for some very high-profile celebrities and members of the government. You can count on them. If the King tries anything, they’ll step in.”

“They’d fucking better,” Sonny warns as he enters the room, closing the door behind him.

“It’s risky,” I repeat for the hundredth time. We all know that if the King suspects anything, then Pink is dead. But I have a plan of my own. One that no one is aware of, not even my boys.

A plan I’ve agonised over.

“If anything happens to Asia…” Sonny chews on his lip, holding back the threat that’s on the tip of his tongue. He’s torn between worrying about me and his loyalty towards his foster family.

“Yeah, I know, mate,” Cal responds, sighing heavily. “But we’ve got this covered. Trust me.”

And he does, trust him, I mean. Sonny believes in Cal, in his foster family. It’s why he’s here, after all. Of all my boys, he was the only one I could stand being with me here in Cal’s office as he checks and rechecks the recording equipment.

“What are the others doing?” I ask Sonny, trying to distract us both from the fact that in half an hour I’ll be meeting the King face-to-face.



“They’re flipping the fuck out. You know how they feel about all of this.”

“Yeah, I know…”

Last night we had a huge argument over my decision to follow through on the King’s orders. Agreeing to Cal’s suggestion was the only compromise they were willing to listen to but even then they hate the idea of me going to meet the King. They’re scared for me, I get that. But if we’re to understand what the King wants then I have to go through with this. I don’t have a choice.

Theymustunderstand that.

They have to.

“Right, you’re good to go. Let’s go over the plan one last time. Tell me the rules,” Cal demands, fixing me with a determined stare.

“I stay where there’s plenty of people. I remain calm. I do not, under any circumstances, go anywhere with him and I give Doug and Jan the agreed signal should I feel in danger and they’ll intervene,” I respond, reeling off everything we’ve discussed.

“And what’s the signal?”

“I cross my arms over my chest.”

Cal nods. “Good. Then let’s get you in the car.”

Slinging my rucksack over my shoulder, I’m more than ready to get this over and done with. Outside a black cab awaits, the engine running. Sonny draws me against him for a quick hug. “Don’t take any risks, okay?”

“Okay,” I respond, knowing I’m going to do exactly that because that’s what I do. I risk everything for the ones I love. Climbing into the cab, I slam the door shut, and roll down the window.

“See you soon, okay?” Sonny says.

I nod, unable to make him a promise I won’t be able to fulfil.


Behind him, Eastern, Camden and Ford run out of the building. Eastern practically rugby tackles Sonny out of the way and leans into the car, grasping my face in his.