Maybe they’d do both.

“Jesus, fuck, those two need to get a room,” Camden mutters under his breath.

“Nah, this is hot as hell. Nothing like a bit of angry sex to get the blood pumping. Let them carry on, I say,” Sonny says quietly, a smirk on his lips.

“You don’t need to be there, Connie,” Malakai protests.

“See, here’s the thing Malakai. I don’t sail away when things get tough. I don’t leave. I’m going with Grandma because there is no way I’m letting her do this alone. You justtryand stop me and see what happens,” she challenges.

“This isn’t a game, Connie. That man is dangerous. His son is no better. What is this dinner about exactly, anyway? Is the King lining you up for Monk, because from what I’ve heard he likes to beat his lovers into submission.” Malakai slams his fist against the counter.

“Why do you care, huh? Green isn’t a pretty shade on you, Malakai,” Connie snaps back.

Malakai grits his teeth, his glare promising a fight when they don’t have an audience. When I stop staring at them both and look at Ma Silva she has a knowing look on her face, a tiny smile playing around her mouth. She definitely knows they’re fucking.

“That’s settled then. Tonight at 7pm Connie and I shall have dinner with the King, and you’ll have a few hours to find your friend, then get the hell off this island,” Ma Silva says, giving us all a wide smile. If I didn’t know any better, she looks almost excited about the prospect.

“I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but have you seen it outside? Malakai said that the storm is going to continue for hours yet. Even if we manage to get Pink out, we’re not getting off this poxy island,” Sonny points out.

Ma Silva smiles and raises her eyebrows. “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Malakai is the best sailor there is, he’ll get you off this island, storm or not.”