Imust’ve passed out, or fallen asleep or something, because I awake with a groggy head wrapped up in Eastern’s arms on the double bed. He’s spooning me from behind, his arm folded around my waist. We’re alone, the curtains drawn against the bright winter’s day. I shift in his arms a little trying to slide out from his hold. Everything comes rushing back and my head pounds. These fucking migraines are ridiculous.

“Hey, you’re awake,” he murmurs gently.

“Fuck, what happened? What time is it?”

“Just past three pm. You kind of zoned out a bit…”

“My head,” I mutter.

“Migraine?” he asks me, loosening his arms a little, allowing me to shift in his hold. I turn to face him lifting my hand so I can massage my temple.

“You worried me there for a bit.”

“Yeah, been having them for a while now. They’re doing my head in. I can’t believe I blacked out.”

“It’s all the stress. You haven’t had an episode like this since you were a kid. How long have they been back?”

“A few weeks.”

“We need to fix you up with some medication. All this stress ain’t good for you.”

“I don’t care about that, Eastern. I care about Pink, about Camden’s mum. What the fuck are we going to do?”

“Right now, you need to look after yourself.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he presses a warm finger against my lips. “Shh, the guys are downstairs trying to figure shit out. Let them. You need a minute. This isn’t something you have to carry alone. We’re all here foryounow. You don’t have to fight the world alone anymore.”

“Is Camden with them?”

“Yeah, do you need me to get him?”

“Not right now. If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I can face him. I need to get my head straight first.”

“Okay, whatever you need. I got you.”

He gives me a tentative smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes. He’s worried just as much as I am but he’s trying to be there for me. Eastern has always been that person who has stood by me when everyone else had given up. He’s my best friend and so much more now.

“Why do we always have to fight so fucking hard?” I mutter, trying and failing to hold onto the rising despair that threatens to break me. A warm tear rolls down my cheek and I move to swipe it away, but he gets there first.

“Because this is what we do.”

“I’m tired of it, Eastern. I don’t even know who I am anymore,” I admit. That weird sensation of not being right in my skin creeping over me again. One minute I’m Asia Chen, the next I’m the King’s daughter. Right now, I don’t want to be either. I just want a normal life, with normal first world problems and not this shit hanging over me.

“You’re Asia, you’re the strongest person I know. Don’t stop fighting,” he murmurs. The warmth of his fingers trail across my cheek as he captures another tear that breaks free. “But if you need to break every now and then, thenI got you,” he repeats fiercely.

His words echo those I spoke to Camden on the beach not that long ago. We all need someone we feel safe enough to break down in front of. Eastern’s that person for me.

“What do you think he wants? I’m pretty sure it’s not a Sunday stroll in the park so he can get to know me after all these years,” I say bitterly.

“I don’t know, but given it’s the King, it can’t be good.”

“Fuck, Eastern…” I’m so close to crumpling and letting everything go, that I have to bite down on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from losing my shit completely.

“Come here,” he mutters, his voice hoarse with emotion.

I scoot closer, wrapping my arms around his back and pressing my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent of apples and smoke. It’s familiar and comforting. I clutch onto him, onto the one person who’s been a constant in my life. His hands smooth down my back in firm but gentle strokes and I find a little peace in his arms, enough to settle my crushing thoughts and calm my soul for a little while at least.