* * *

I don’t sleep.Instead, I use my time to pack my rucksack and chain smoke twenty cigarettes trying not to mull over what Carmichael mouthed to me in the dining hall when everyone else was busy tearing each other to shreds.

“That’s my girl.”

Overfamiliar much? Maybe I just misread what he’d said. It’s possible, I suppose, given the situation. Besides, we all know who my father is, and it isn’t the gay, soon to be ex-principal of Oceanside Academy. Pushing those thoughts away, I check the time on my digital alarm clock situated by my bed. It’s 2 am.

With my ear pressed to my bedroom door, I wait for the gentle tap as discussed. It comes at exactly 2.05am. I open the door as quietly as possible. Camden is standing on the threshold. He raises his finger to his swollen lip, and points along the corridor. I peer around the door frame and see the rest of my crew standing at the door that leads to the stairwell downstairs. Swinging my rucksack onto my back, I follow Camden.

When we reach them, Sonny pushes the door open, it creaks slightly, and we all wince from the sound. Kate gives me a scared look, so I try to muster up a reassuring smile. I’m pretty sure it comes out more of a grimace though. She puffs out her cheeks, shoving the stolen laptop into her rucksack and swinging it onto her back.

When Sonny’s assured that we’re safe to move, he ushers us through the doors. We all file after him. Me first, then Kate, Eastern is followed by Ford with Camden taking up the rear. We take the stairs as quickly and as quietly as we can. When we reach the ground floor, there’s only a small stretch of hallway and a back door between freedom and being caught.

“Are you sure all the cameras are out?” Camden asks Kate.

“Not out as that would raise suspicion quicker, just set on a loop. We need to go now before the guards change over and the men in the surveillance room realise the same guards keep walking beneath the cameras over and over again.”

Eastern grins, then whispers quietly. “You’re pretty fucking impressive, you know that, right?”

Kate smiles. “So I’ve been told.”

Ford holds his hand up, instantly quietening us all. I hear a door open and close then Cal’s voice. He’s talking to the guards who are about to finish their shift for the night, thanking them for their help today. We wait for a couple of minutes, our backs against the wall as they pass by on the other side of the stairwell door. When we hear the sound of a car pulling away, we make our move.

“We need to go,” Camden hisses.

None of us need to be told twice.

Getting out of the annex building is easy but traversing the main building and heading out onto the field leaves us wide open. Running is about the only thing we can do. So we leg it as fast as we can around the side of the building and onto the sports field. Fortunately for us, once we hit the track that circles the field, it’s pitch-black. The floodlights that surround the field are out too, thanks to Kate’s wicked hacker ability. The sensors don’t switch on and we make it over the field without tripping the lights. When this is all over, I need to do something epic to thank her. I’m not sure what, but I’ll figure that out because even though I’m fully aware that things might go horribly wrong, I also know that I will do everything I can to make sure we win.

Because losing isn’t an option.

When we reach the service entrance and the large wrought iron gates at the back of the grounds, I have a moment of panic when I don’t see a car. That panic is short lived when I see the end of a cigarette butt light up just beyond the gates.

“Malakai?” Ford hushes out, peering into the darkness.

“The one and only,” a gruff voice responds, then a shadowy shape moves in the darkness. “Hurry up, we haven’t got much time.”

Eastern tests the gate, it opens with a small click. He high fives Kate and we all pile through.

Out of the darkness Malakai appears, dressed head to foot in black. He’s huge, like properbrick shit housebig with wide shoulders and thick arms and thighs. He’s tall too, at least six foot five and good looking, if you like your men pushing forty.

“Quit staring and get in the damn car,” Malakai snaps, scowling at me.

Camden looks at me and narrows his eyes. Jealous much?

“I wasn’t,” I shrug, trying not to let out a nervous laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.

Malakai has dark hair and dark eyes and a chin so chiselled I could cut my hand on it. Pretty sure I can see a black tribal tattoo winding up the side of his neck too. I’m impressed. This man oozes danger. I’m not surprised Grim is friends with him. I’m betting he’s spent time in Grim’s fight club. When Ford nods tightly, and a look passes between them, it’s obvious they’ve met before.

Malakai reaches for something in his jacket pocket and I can feel Sonny tense beside me. When he pulls out a car key and presses a button on the fob causing a car’s interior lights to turn on, Sonny visibly relaxes. He’s on edge, just like the rest of us.

“Get in the damn car,” Malakai repeats.

Ford and Camden scowl, but they’re wise enough not to get in an argument with our getaway driver. Better to put up with a bit of attitude than give him a reason to leave without us. So, we all pile into the eight-seater. Ford sits up front next to Malakai, given he’s the most familiar with him. Camden, Kate and I take the middle seats whilst Eastern and Sonny sit in the back. As getaway cars go, it’s a pretty sweet ride with leather seats and a sleek interior. It’s a BMW according to the logo on the steering wheel. This Malakai has money, that’s for sure. Either that or he’s borrowed the car from Grim and we all know she’s loaded. Running an underground fight club is lucrative, it would seem.

“Buckle-up, kids. I need to get you to the boat before the storm hits.”
