For all his bravado and flippant dirty talk, he’s a giving lover. Underneath that cad exterior is a deep thinker, a willing participant in this beautiful moment. True to his word, Sonny makes love to me. This isn’t fucking, this is everything I never imagined and so much more. I feel loved, adored, venerated and when Sonny finally comes inside of me, his forehead pressed against mine and his gaze boring deep into my soul, I know that whatever happens this connection we share will never, ever be broken.

* * *

An houror so later in the breakfast hall, Eastern and Kate greet us both with grim smiles, not because I spent the night with Sonny, but because Camden and Ford are yet to return. A sinking feeling sits heavy in my stomach. All the lightness and warmth of this morning is quickly swallowed by fear and worry.

“Should we be concerned?” I ask Eastern.

He scrapes a hand over his face. “They’ve been gone one night. I imagine there was stuff that needed to be done. Paperwork to file for the death, that kind of thing.”

“Eastern’s right, don’t fret just yet,” Kate reassures me but when I look over at Bram and his crew, they seem far more preoccupied with our hushed conversation than their own breakfast.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I snap, narrowing my gaze at Bram. He’s still sporting a bruised eye from our fight in the ring and it matches the one Red has courtesy of Kate.

“Oh nothing, just the end of an era is all…” he says, grinning wickedly.

I move to stand, but Mr Carmichael enters the dining hall just at that moment followed by Cal. Neither look happy. When I meet Cal’s gaze, my body tensing as Mr Carmichael walks by, he shakes his head, urging me with his eyes not to do something stupid.

I sit, biting my tongue.

God only knows I want to rip into our lying piece of shit principal, but keeping what we know on the downlow is more important, especially since we’re planning on breaking out of this place just as soon we square it up with Camden and Ford. The last thing we need is their eyes on us.

“What do you think Bram meant by that?” I whisper quietly, glancing over at their group. He’s still watching us and I’m not going to lie, the smug look on his face has me worried.

“The prick will take any opportunity to wind us up, just ignore him,” Sonny responds, reaching for my hand. He grips it tightly, his fingers twining with mine.

When Mr Carmichael reaches the self-service station he coughs loudly, drawing our attention to him. “Good morning…” he begins, then he catches my eye and falters. My gaze drops to his hands which are squeezing the edge of the counter so hard that the whites of his knuckles show. When I look back up, understanding dawns on me. He knows about the note.

“As of this morning, I have handed in my resignation…”

“Fuck,” Eastern says, his gaze flicking to mine as the room explodes into chatter.

Bram and his crew start whooping like it’s the best news they’ve had all year, others sit in stunned silence.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have made the very difficult decision to stand down as Principal of Oceanside Academy. I’ll be seeing out the end of this week whilst the owners of the school seek a suitable replacement.” He takes a deep breath, not bothering to respond to the jibes that have picked up around the hall. It’s like he’s given up, and that angers me more.

“By the end of the week? He’s running. He’s fucking running!” I hiss under my breath.

My first thought is blind outrage. How dare he walk away? How dare he take the coward’s way out and leave us to face the King on our own? My second feeling is panic. If he leaves, what will happen to Pink? The King will kill her as surely as he killed Camden’s mum.

“No!” My body begins to tremble with suppressed rage, and I have to grit my teeth hard to prevent myself from calling him out. “That fucking coward!” I spit.

“Easy, Asia,” Sonny warns when some of the kids sitting at the tables closest to us turn to look at me.

“I’m sorry, but this is the only way,” Mr Carmichael says, directing his apology to me.

Sorry?There’s that word again.

Is he sorry for lying to us? Is he sorry he’s running? Is he sorry that our future is even bleaker now? Is he sorry that for a while I fucking trusted him?

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Fucking sorry.

Mr Carmichael approaches our table and I find my hand tightening around the knife I’m still holding. I could do it now. I could take his life just like the King wants me to do. I could end this all.

Right. Fucking. Now.

Standing abruptly, I face Mr Carmichael. Sonny stands with me, his hand flat against my thigh, holding me back.