“The only one?”

“No, not the only one…” His voice trails off, but he doesn’t share.

I’m about to press further but Cal climbs into the ring, his presence demanding silence.

“Next up is Red and Kate. In the ring, fighters.”

Beside me Kate is bouncing with nerves and a restless kind of energy. I glance at her, meeting her gaze. There’s something I see in her eyes that’s never been there before; acceptance. She knows that after this fight things will never be the same for her again.

Kate’s instincts have kicked in. This is her way of showing the world that she isn’t some prissy, stuck-up bitch without a backbone like everyone assumes, but a fighter.


By the looks of it, Red already thinks she’s won given the way she climbs into the ring then leans over the ropes and plays tonsil tennis with Bram. She’s so cocky and at ease as she pulls on her gloves, winking at her crew. They all cheer, making howling noises and punching the air with their fists in a pathetic attempt at intimidation.

But Red has underestimated Kate. Pretty soon she’ll realise just how much.

“Go get her, girl,” I say, reaching over and squeezing her arm.

She grunts in response, focusing on Red and clearing her head of all thought.

Ford reaches for her and squeezes her shoulder. “Keep your eye on the prize, Kate. Ignore the intimidation tactics.”

“Yeah, and show her how it’s done,” Eastern says as he holds the top and middle ropes apart, making room for her to duck through. The pride in his voice is unmistakable as she climbs into the ring.

Both Camden and Sonny shout encouragement. All of us are behind her one hundred percent.

Eastern ducks between the ropes after Kate, fixing her head gear. Bram does the same for Red. Then they’re ready.

“Same rules apply,” Cal begins, reeling off the rules once more. “Punch above the belt. No strikes to the kidneys or to the back of your opponent’s head or neck. Do not use the ropes as leverage. Do not strike your opponent when they’re down. A knockout is a clear win. Got it?”

“Got it,” they both respond, before Eastern and Bram place teeth guards in their mouths and the pair is ready to fight.

Kate turns to face me, lifting her gloved fist to her head, she taps twice then winks, and I just know she’s going to win.