We step towards each other simultaneously, Ford grasping my cheeks in his rough palms before smashing his lips against mine. He kisses me hard, his tongue slicing through my lips and silencing the whimpers that bubble up my throat, forcing me back towards the bed with the sheer violence of his kiss. I stumble, my breath snatched from me as I fall roughly onto the mattress. If I expected a moment of reprieve, Ford doesn’t give me one. There’s no slow approach like Eastern, savouring every part of me as he rises slowly up my body. No, Ford attacks with one goal in mind: to win. He rips off my knickers with one hand, the elastic snapping against my skin.

“Fuck!” I exclaim. My complaint is swallowed by another oxygen-stealing kiss. He doesn’t allow me a moment to catch my breath.

Now that I’ve cracked him open he’s unleashing himself onto me. There are no whispered words of love from Ford. He acts. This is his own form of conversation, and he’s determined to make me listen.

Grabbing hold of my hips, Ford yanks my pussy to his mouth, plunging his tongue deep inside of me until I’m seeing more than stars, until I’m seeing the whole fucking galaxy.

His mouth, his tongue, his lips burn my skin, firing me up until I come hard and fast like a shooting star ripping through the pitch black of night. As my head falls back, Ford rears upwards, grabs his joggers from the floor and pulls out a condom from the pocket. I watch him with half-mast eyes and panting breaths as he tears the packet and slides the condom over the thick length of his cock.

Even then, he acts quickly, not giving me more than a few moments to catch my breath as he moves over me boxing my body in with his.

“Who are you?” he demands, the tip of his cock pressed against my entrance as he stares down at me, into my fucking soul.

“Asia,” I pant, breaths shattering from my parted lips.

“No! Who the fuck are you?” he demands, slipping his cock an inch inside of me. He’s big, I feel the burn despite the slickness between my thighs.

“Asia!” I repeat, louder this time.

Ford grips my face tightly. There’s no softness with him tonight. He doesn’t hurt me, but he doesn’t hold back either and I like that. Ineedthat. He’s firm, opposed to gentle, and the complete antithesis of Eastern. He’s the fight, not the flight, and everything I knew I needed but didn’t know how to ask for.

He’s my strength and I cling onto him with all my might.

“Say it again! Fucking say it again!”

“ASIA! I’m Asia!” I shout, the cry on my lips drowned out only by the fierceness of Ford’s kiss and the devastating thrust of his hips.

“That’s it. This is who you are, fucking own it!” he growls, slamming his cock into me with one hard thrust, filling me up to the hilt. He covers my cry with his mouth, swallowing the passion and the pain, devouring it and filling me up so completely that tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

Ford fucks me.

He fucks me hard, fast, with power and aggression, grasping my wrists and forcing my arms up above my head. We slide against one another, slick with sweat. Muscles bunch and tense as we both battle. He grinds into me, and I wrap my legs tight around his hips, forcing him to do his worst, to split me apart like an atom, so I can be formed into something new, something unbreakable. Somethingstrong.

“Don’t you dare forget who you are, got it?!”

“Yes,” I whimper, his bruising assault making me wet, making me implode.

“The King will never own you. You are Asia Chen, and you are powerful. You are beautiful. And you are your own person.Nothis,” he grinds out, teeth gritted.

His words flip a switch inside me and in one swift move I thrust upwards, forcing Ford onto his back, straddling him this time. I bring my hands down on his pecs, my nails digging in as I find purchase. Ford’s fingers grasp hold of my hips, bruising me as I rock against him, tilting my hips and sliding up and down, fucking him just as much as he’s fucking me. Deep inside I can feel his cock-piercing rubbing against that tender spot inside, heightening my pleasure further.

“Ford, fuck!” I exclaim.

“That’s it, Asia. Claimme,” he growls, sliding his arm around my back, supporting me as he sits up and I’m straddling his lap. He gives me a devious grin then clamps his mouth over my breast and sucks hard. Tipping my head back, I let out a wild cry, not caring who might hear. I don’t give a shit. There’s something to be said about letting go completely and utterly, and here I am doing just that. I’m letting go of everything that’s hurt me, could hurt me, and replacing it with something else…


As my orgasm expands like a seething, boiling blaze in my stomach, so too does my need to fight. It grows with every thrust and every bruising kiss. I pull Ford’s head back, yanking his hair in my fist until he’s looking up at me.

“Thank you,” I whisper, staring into the swirling pits of Ford’s gaze and seeing my mirror image reflected back. He’s the hurricane and I’m the fucking storm. Both of us are scarred by our parents, both of us have taken on a new identity, shredding the one we were born with, and both of us fight every damn day to maintain it.

Together we’re dangerous, powerful, and when we come together, downright devastating. He gives me a rare smile, rocking me with its beauty. “I told you I’d win.”

“Win what?” I hush out, my body trembling.

“Your heart, Asia,” he responds, placing the flat of his hand against the tattoo inked between my breasts. And just like that, I concede the damn fight just like he knew I would.