As the others file out of the room, Ford strides over to me, cups my cheek with his hand and presses a hot kiss against my mouth.

“This isn’t on you. Do you hear me?” he says fiercely, his grey-green eyes flashing with sincerity. When I don’t answer, his hand slides from my cheek and wraps around the back of my head as he presses his forehead against mine.

“Thisisn’ton you…”

He knows what’s deep in my heart. I blame myself. The King is my dad and he took Pink to get to me, after all. I want to collapse into his arms, needing to feed off his strength, but he moves away before I can. It’s intentional, he’s forcing me to be strong. To find that strength within myself.

“Do you hear me, Asia?” he repeats, taking another step away from me.

“I hear you,” I whisper, nodding tightly and straightening my spine. A look passes between us, a look that tells me Ford will never let me crumble. He’ll be the one to keep me strong even when I feel weak.

His gaze moves to Camden, boring into his back. “You are not your father, Asia, just like I’m not my parents. Thisisn’ton you and anyone who believes it is needs their head fucking tested.”

Beside me, Camden falls to his knees. Ford hesitates, but I shake my head.


When the door shuts, clicking softly, I exchange worried looks with Eastern before crouching down beside Camden. He’s curled over, clutching the back of his head as though he’s trying to shut the world out. Eastern approaches us both but remains at the foot of the bed when I hold my hand up for him to stop.

“Camden, let me help you find your phone...”

“What’s the point? If the King knows about the deal you made with Crown then she’s already dead.” His voice cracks, despair leaching into his voice as my own heart crumbles to dust.