“Camden, stop it! Let him go!” I shout, tugging at his arm but he has a vice-like grip on Mr Burnside’s throat that I can’t shift him no matter how hard I try.

“Let the man go!” Cal shoves the door to Mr Burnside’s office open. It practically falls off its hinges with the force of his entrance.

Sonny steps in front of him, forcing Cal back with one hand on his chest as Eastern grasps him from behind, holding him back. “No, Cal. Stay the fuck back!”

“Sonny?” he questions, looking between us all like we’ve all lost our minds. Maybe we have. “What the hell is going on in here!? Frank is fucking out cold upstairs.”

Frank tried to stop us. He’d seen the murderous look in my boys’ eyes but one well-placed punch from Ford and Frank was knocked out cold. If I hadn’t been so fucking terrified of what Camden was about to do, I might’ve been impressed.

“I’ll tell you what’s going on, Doc here is a fucking traitor!” Camden spits, tightening his grip around Mr Burnside’s throat. His face is starting to go purple, spittle forming around his mouth as he struggles for breath. “Get into our heads, make us trust you, then you fuck us over, is that it? Where’s my goddamn mum! Where is Pink?!”

“Camden, stop, please! You’re killing him!” I continue. “Just let him go. He didn’t do this!Please,” I beg, because no matter how impossible this seems right now, I know Mr Burnside and he wouldn’t have set this up. There’s no way. He’s one of the good guys.

“Then who the fuck did?” Camden snaps, loosening his hold just enough so that Mr Burnside can breathe.

“Whatever… you think… I’ve… done…” Mr Burnside chokes out, taking in ragged breaths between every word, “I… haven’t…”

“You’re a fucking liar!”

“Let my husband go, Camden!” Mr Carmichael growls as he rushes into the room. Behind him, Frank leans against the door frame, rubbing his temple, looking more than a little dazed.

Ford steps in front of our principal. “Don’t come any closer. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.”

“Get out of my way,” Mr Carmichael says, his voice low, controlled as they face off.

“That would be a no,” Ford retorts, squaring his shoulders.

Something changes in Mr Carmichael. I see it as he takes a step closer to Ford. He’s no longer the principal of this school, he’s a man who’s ready to tear Ford apart to get to the man he loves. If I don’t do something right now, this is all going to shit.

“This is madness. Fucking madness!” I shout, trying to get their attention.

“No, Asia, what’s madness is that we trusted these arseholes,” Camden snarls, his whole body vibrating with a simmering, bubbling, boiling rage.

“Youcantrust us. Just tell me what’s happened.” Cal tries to break free from Eastern’s hold, but between him and Sonny he’s not going anywhere. Sonny bares his teeth, and it breaks my fucking heart. One twisted, fucked up message from the King and we’re ready to throw down with the people who care about us.

“Everyone stop! JUST STOP!” I scream. “There’s no way Mr Burnside’s involved. Just think about it!” Camden flinches, and I know that there’s a part of him that wants to believe that’s true. “Please, Camden, let him go so we can talk.”

I’m not beyond pleading, not when it comes to the people I care about making a huge fucking mistake. Somehow, someway, my words register and Camden drops his hand, taking a step away from Mr Burnside who stumbles backwards onto his chair, gasping for air. Mr Carmichael rushes to his side and kneels before him, concern for his husband and anger fighting for control as he glares at us all.

“Jesus fuck, Camden! What the hell is going on?” he asks, his eyes wide with horror as he runs his hand up and down Mr Burnside’s arms. “Just breathe, love. Just breathe,” he soothes.

“This arsehole gave us a very special movie tonight…” Camden sneers. His fists are clenched at his side and I know it’s taking a monumental effort not to launch himself at Mr Burnside once more.

“What are you talking about?” he asks, looking between us all. “Disliking his choice in movie warrants fucking strangulation, does it?!” His eyes narrow at Camden and for the briefest of moments, I see the man he might have been once upon a time. A dangerous man ready to kill for the ones he loves.

“No, not the movie,after…” I stumble over my words, pressing a hand against Camden’s chest in an attempt to remind him of his sanity, because he’s a hairsbreadth from doing something he’ll never be able to return from.

“After?” Mr Burnside looks at me in confusion, hurt a rash across his face.

“Pink. There was a recording of her. It played after the movie ended,” I rush out, not thinking about the warning in the message, just wanting everyone to stop.

“Explain,” Cal says, drilling me with his gaze.

“Asia got a message from the King delivered by Pink. Looks like Mr Burnside here added a little extra footage to the viewing,” Ford says. There’s a quiet kind of anger emanating from him that is just as powerful as Camden’s, just way more controlled.

“Wh-what?” Mr Burnside rasps, his gaze flicking between us all in panic. “I had nothing… That’s impossible!”