* * *

“Cansomeone tell me what the fuck I just watched?” Ford says, a little disgusted, but I can see the twinkle in his eye and the flush on his cheeks. He liked it too.

“That, Ford, was Patrick Swayze at his finest. Sexy. As. Fuck,” I say, with a chuckle.

Ford grunts, scowling.

“Hey, don’t worry, bro, the guy’s dead,” Sonny says, slapping Ford on the back and giving me a wink over his shoulder.

“Urgh, don’t remind me,” I respond, placing my hand over my heart dramatically.

Camden snorts. “Admittedly he can move, but no one’s got moves like me,” he says with a cheeky grin.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah.” He jumps up, stepping over Ford and Sonny, crooking his finger at me just like Johnny does to Baby at the end of the movie. Behind him the credits are rolling and the music is still playing.

“Who, me?” I tease, pointing to my chest.

“Seriously?” Ford groans, pulling himself up onto the sectional and getting out of Camden’s way as he kicks aside all the cushions to clear a space.

“What are you doing, Asia?” Eastern laughs. I can feel the heat of his gaze as I get up and walk towards Camden, swinging my hips just like Baby does in the movie.

“Looks like you need to up your game.” Kate chuckles.

When I reach Camden, he pulls me towards him and wraps an arm around my back, sliding his hand over my arse and cupping the back of my thigh, hooking my right leg up over his hip.

“Hey,bae-by. Wanna dance?” he murmurs, a twinkle in his eye. A smile pulls up his lips as he lowers his head, brushing his mouth against my own.

“Not a fan of the movie, hmm?” I respond, grinning stupidly.

“Hmm, I’m a fan of foreplay and if Patrick Swayze gets my girl all hot under the collar, then I’m down with that.” He grins then bends his knees and moves against me, imitating some of the sexier moves from the movie.

Sonny whistles as Camden grasps my arse and grinds his hips against mine. I go with it, feeling a little giddy as his strong arms guide me. The rest of my boys watch with fire in their eyes. Looks like they’re enjoying the show. When Camden searches for my lips and starts kissing me unapologetically in front of everyone, I have to remind myself that Kate is still in the room and doesn’t need to see this. Pushing him back gently, I laugh a little.

“Woah, Camden. I think you’re in need of a cold shower,” I say, smiling as I press one last kiss against his mouth.

“I’d prefer a warm one with you in it…” he grins. Leaning in close, he brushes his mouth against my ear. “How about it, bae…?”

“What the actualfuck?!” Eastern suddenly shouts, making me jump and Camden snap his head around.

I’m about to shut Eastern’s jealousy down when I realise he’s not actually looking at us, but behind us both at the projector screen. Camden stiffens as the colour drains from Kate, Ford and Sonny’s face. We both turn to see what they’re looking at.

“Motherfucker!” Camden grinds out, his arm tightening around me.


We all watch in stunned silence as a video begins playing. Pink is sitting on a bare mattress in a brightly lit room, her legs crossed, a determined look on her face as she stares directly into the camera. She doesn’t appear to be hurt and as far as I can tell there are no bruises on her body, though I’ve no idea if there are any hidden beneath her clothes. I push that thought away, concentrating instead on what I can see.

“How is this possible…?” Ford questions, stepping up beside me, his fingers automatically reaching for mine. Any answer I might have is cut off when Pink starts to speak.

“Asia, I have a message from the King,”she begins, swallowing hard. Her gaze flicks to someone beyond the camera, someone we can’t see. Then the camera pans closer to something Pink is holding in her hands. A newspaper. She lifts it up. It’s dated today.

“I’m okay.”I hear her say, stressing the ‘I’m’. That slight nuance has Camden tensing beside me. He hasn’t been able to get hold of his mum in days. Is Pink trying to tell us something? I can’t see the expression on her face to see if she is or not, given the camera is still pointed at the newspaper. I sway on my feet with relief, with worry. She’s alive. Thank God, she’s alive. But what about Camden’s mum?

“Fucking Christ,” Camden swears under his breath.

“Oh, God,” Kate cries, but I can’t bring myself to look at her.

My heart fucking hammers in my chest as my mouth goes dry. We all wait in hushed silence, no one daring to breathe let alone mutter another word, as we wait for what comes next.

The screen flickers as the camera pans back out. Two men dressed all in black, wearing black masks over their faces walk towards Pink. They’re big, burly, and their body language lacks any kind of sympathy towards her. Anger bubbles inside my chest as one of them-the shorter of the two with red hair-grasps her arm and pulls her roughly off the bed. We see a brief glimpse of her body, and her back view as she’s manhandled out of the shot. Then the screen goes black.

“What the ever-loving fuck!” Sonny exclaims, but I shush him because something tells me this isn’t the end of the video.

When white letters begin to appear on the screen shortly after, jumbled and out of order, I’m forced to hold my breath as they move about forming a sentence.


My heart plummets.