“I know it isn’t easy, Asia, but what the fuck else can we do right now? You need to take your mind off everything. Give yourself a break. You need it. None of us can help Pink if we’re all fucked in the head.”
“I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right.”
Sonny ignores me and addresses Mr Burnside. “Are we talking everyone? I’m not sure any of us are going to be able to chill if Bram and his crew are there too. We’d end up fucking killing each other and I’m pretty sure you don’t want a brawl on your hands,” Sonny says.
“Yes, probably not the best idea. Tell you what, I’ll set it up so you can all watch a movie in your groups. I can schedule in slots all day. You’re supposed to be spending all your social time together anyway, so that works. I’ll clear it with Mr Carmichael first and let you know. Does that sound like a plan you could agree to?”
“I suppose,” Camden mutters.
“Cam, you’re actually cool with this?” I question.
“Sonny’s right. We could all do with the distraction.”
“Okay, good, that’s settled then. Any movie preferences?”
“Nah, just surprise us,” Sonny says.
Camden’s eyebrows pull together in a frown. “Just no chick-flicks.”
“Okay, Camden. No chick-flicks. Got it.”
“Except maybe for Dirty Dancing…” I suggest.
“Don’t even think about it, Doc,” Camden warns, and I can’t help but smile a little.