“Fuck, I’m sorry,” Camden says after a minute. The apology isn’t for Mr Burnside but for me. “I need to get my head together.”

“You’ve nothing to apologise for, Camden. Why shouldn’t you feel like this? You’ve been in this position a lot longer than any of us and you’ve kept your head throughout. That takes a lot of strength,” I say, then lift my head up and stand on my tiptoes to press a reassuring kiss against his lips. “But you can afford to break every now and then,” I quietly remind him.

“I have to be strong for you, Asia. I need to be because what if....” He looks at me with steely resolve, his beautiful eyes swimming with emotion. There’s no need to finish his sentence because I hear what he doesn’t say. I hear the words that will tear me apart should he voice them.

What if they’re already dead…

“Don’t talk like that,” I whisper, clutching his face between my palms. “I refuse to believe either are dead. I fucking refuse.”

“If he kills my mum…”

“No. Don’t. Don’t you dare think that.”

“…I might not survive it, Asia. I’m afraid I’ll lose my fucking mind.”

“You are one of the strongest people I know.”You’ll survive anything…Those are words I can’t voice out loud because it will only confirm in his head the worst possible scenario.

Mr Burnside coughs, drawing our attention back into the room and breaking the connection we share. “Talking helps. I know you don’t believe in therapy, Camden. You’re not alone in that belief, but at least talk to each other. Share what you’re feeling. If I’m beginning to understand the King, then dividing and conquering is part of his repertoire. Don’t let him get between you. When you have each other, you have a lot more than you think.”

“That’s easier said than done, Doc,” Sonny says, looking between us all. He looks pale, the amusement and brief happiness we shared now gone. “We’ve all spent the best part of our lives trusting no one but ourselves.”

“But things are changing. Despite the burden you all carry, I see you evolving into wonderful young adults. Finding people you trust, that you call home when you’ve been through what you have, is rare. Believe in that, believe in each other, and trust that we are doing all we can to find them,” Mr Burnside says.

Sonny nods, getting to his feet. “Has there been any more news?”

Mr Burnside shakes his head. “I understand that Grim is still waiting to hear back from the guy she sent to spy on the King. Other than that, her girls at the Spa have their ear to the ground and will call with any news, even if it seems trivial. The Freed brothers are calling in some favours and trying to gather as much intelligence about the King and his various businesses as possible to see if there’s an angle we’ve missed. Right now as hard as it is, this is a waiting game.”

“No shit,” Camden snaps, gritting his teeth.

Mr Burnside looks between us, then seems to make up his mind about something. “I know the rec room is off limits right now whilst it’s getting fixed up after the fire, but you guys could use a distraction that is neither illegal or bad for your health, am I right?”

“There’s only one thing that could distract me and I’m not sure it’s on the cards…” Sonny says, side-eying me with a devilish smirk.

I roll my eyes to hide the fact that my stomach turns to butterflies. “What do you have in mind, Mr Burnside? Because I’ll take anything right now.”

“Anything?” Sonny smirks.

“Thirsty much?” Camden mutters under his breath, hauling me closer to his side in a show of ownership.

“I’m fucking parched actually,” Sonny quips back, pulling a smirk from Camden’s lips.

“Yeah, you and me both.”

“Jeez, you two have hands, you might want to use them,” I banter back, pulling a snort of mirth from Mr Burnside.

“There’s a projector in the library. I could arrange a movie night this weekend. You could order some pizzas in. I could grab some popcorn for you all. What do you think?”

“A movie night with pizza and popcorn? I’d say you’re trying too hard, Mr Burnside. We’re not fucking twelve,” Camden scoffs, shaking his head.

Honestly, a movie night sounds amazing but it doesn’t feel right, not without Pink. Why should we do anything remotely fun when she’s suffering?

“I dunno, maybe Camden’s right.” I sigh feeling disappointed, then immediately guilty for feeling that way. Pink doesn’t get a goddamn movie evening does she? Nausea rises up my throat as I think about what she must be going through.

Mr Burnside winces. “Perhaps not. It was just an idea.”

“Hey, ignore them. A movie night would be good.” Sonny says.

When I grimace, torn between wanting to do something any normal teenager gets to do and feeling guilty for even wanting it, Sonny gives me a sympathetic look.