“Just the three I’ve been looking for,” Mr Burnside says as we walk past his office an hour after we ditched Miss Moore’s Art class.

“Yeah? Well, here we are, Doc. Are you gonna give us a detention or a telling off, because neither will have much of an impact,” Camden quips, his eyes a little glazed.

Sonny snickers and I hold in a laugh that bubbles up my throat like champagne in a bottle, threatening to break free. Jesus, I’ve not felt this high since I tried my first joint when I was fourteen. I spent the night laughing at the most ridiculous things with Eastern, then spent the morning throwing up all my guts. It was the best and the worst night of my young life and one I didn’t repeat again for quite a long time after.

“Just get inside.” Mr Burnside sighs, standing to one side as we file past him into his office.

“What’s up?” Sonny asks, plonking himself down on one of the armchairs opposite Mr Burnside’s desk. Camden sits in the other seat, then motions for me to sit on his lap.

“That’s not very gentlemanly,” I complain, feigning annoyance that both of my guys hadn’t waited to see if I wanted a seat. I really don’t care either way, but it’s good fun winding them up.

“What? Iambeing gentlemanly. Come sit on my lap, it’s much more comfortable,” Camden says, smirking. His topaz eyes light with mirth and even in my slightly inebriated state, I can appreciate that this is probably the first time I’ve seen him smile since I read Monk’s note.

“Hey, my lap is waaaaay more comfortable than his,” Sonny responds, patting his leg. “You know you wanna…”

“Don’t make me choose,” I respond, pretending to think really, really hard as I tap my chin and look between them both.

“Asia, take my chair,” Mr Burnside butts in, spoiling our fun.

“Now there’s a real gentleman. Thanks,” I say, grinning widely as I make myself comfortable in his seat.

“So, what’s up?” Sonny asks, turning his attention to Mr Burnside who is still frowning at us all. Oops, I think we’ve pissed him off.

“You skipped class.”

“What’s the big deal? None of us were really in the mood to play teacher’s pet today. Besides, it was either skipping class or headbutting Dagger or one of Bram’s goons. I think we made a good decision,” Camden says with a shrug.

“A good decision would’ve been to excuse yourselves to come and see me, Cal, or Mr Carmichael, not get high on anillegalsubstance.”

Camden rolls his eyes. “It’s called Marijuana. You can say it, you know.”

“I know what it’s called, Camden. I also know that getting high isn’t going to do you any favours. Right now, you all need to keep your heads clear. You of all people should know that.”

“Yeah, well, maybe I’m over the fucking stress of all this. Maybe we’re all done with waiting for shit to happen. Maybe, Mr Burnside, we’re trying not to lose our fucking minds!” Camden shouts, losing his shit now. Really, it was only a matter of time.

“Cam, man, it ain’t Mr Burnside’s fault,” Sonny says, sitting up in his chair.

“I don’t really give a shit. If he wants to poke a wounded animal then he can’t expect not to get bit.”

“Is that how you see yourself, Camden?” Mr Burnside asks, looking at him intently. “Do you want to talk about how you feel?

Camden screws his face up and bites out a laugh. “Really? You wanna do your mumbo jumbo therapy bullshit on me now? Do you ever fucking let up?”

Mr Burnside laughs. “No, I don’t. Helping people to heal is as important to me as your mum is to you. I won’t ever stop trying to do that, like you won’t ever stop loving her.”

“It was just a goddamn joint. What’s the big deal?”

“I get it, Camden. You need to dull the pain. What you’re going through, what you’reallgoing through is tough and I won’t stop trying to give you an outlet to share some of the burden. But I need you to cut that shit out and focus,” Mr Burnside says. It’s the first time I’ve heard him swear. It kinda suits him.

“No, youdon’tfucking get it,” Camden seethes, his anger spilling out through clenched teeth.

“Cam…” Sonny starts, sobering up pretty quick when he realises we’re on dangerous ground.

Camden lifts his hand, cutting Sonny off. “This is bullshit. It’s been almost a week since Monk took Pink. Bram and his goons are provoking us every fucking chance they get. Pink is no closer to being found and despite all the fucking theories of where shemightbe, no one has confirmed anything!” he pants, standing. “And I can’t get hold of my mum. I can’t fucking reach her!”

I get up, traversing the table and stand before Camden, sliding my arms around his waist. It’s all I can think of to do because words won’t help, and promises won’t heal open wounds that run as deep as ours. After a beat, he wraps his arms around my back, holding me close.