“Me too, Sonny. Me fucking too,” I retort, my thoughts spinning off into a depressing cycle.
“I could really use a joint,” Sonny blurts out after the silence gets too big.
“Yeah, so could I,” I agree, needing something to take the edge off. Normally I could give or take Mary-J but tuning out for a bit might help me to manage this whole fucked up situation.
Camden puts his phone away and looks between us both. “Might be able to help on that front,” he says, tucking his hand inside his jacket and pulling out a small bag of marijuana. “This is the last of it. I reckon I’ve at least enough for one last joint. Come on,” he says, getting up and heading towards the fire door.
“Isn’t that alarmed?”
“Not according to Sonny,” Camden says with a shrug.
“I’ve crept out of this door loads of times and never tripped anything,” Sonny explains.
Of course he has. The guys a living breathing Spiderman in the flesh. Pretty sure he’s scaled most of the walls in this place and found all the ways in and out of this building.
I pack up my sketchpad and follow them. Fortunately for us, the fire exit stairs lead down to the side of the main building that isn’t used or overlooked by any of the classrooms or offices. It’s bitterly cold, and I start to regret ever agreeing to head outside, but before long the effects of the joint take hold and my teeth are no longer chattering after a few drags. I just wish the effect would last a lot longer because a chill in my bones seems to have set in and I wonder if I’ll ever feel warm again.