“Yes and no. I’ve no doubt that the King has something up his sleeve that none of us are able to predict right now, but not going away with these kids is as much as a giveaway to why I’m here than it is if I make some excuse and stay. Don’t worry, we’ve put some safety measures in place to ensure that no one else is getting kidnapped,” he responds, though in all honesty by the look on his face he’s about as convinced by those plans as we are.

Ford frowns. “What safety measures?”

“Well, aside from getting more assistance from a few more of my friends, cameras are going up next week, video recording equipment, alarms, etc. This place is going to be rigged up like Fort Knox. No one is going to be able to take a shit without me knowing about it.”

“Well, that’s just fucking peachy,” I complain, glancing at Ford. I’m betting he’s thinking the same thing as me. There’ll be no more trips to the Tower now. He should’ve fucked me last night when he had the chance.

“It is what it is. Believe me, I know how much your freedom means to you all, but last night can’t happen again. This keeps you all a little safer.”

Ford rolls his eyes. “If the King wants to raze this place to the ground and kidnap every kid at Oceanside, nothing and no one will stop him, you do know that, right?”

“Yeah, I know that, but right now this is all we’ve got.”