The second we step into the dining hall, people stop talking and a hushed quiet settles over the space. Camden and I enter first. He places his hand around my waist, gripping me tightly when I stiffen at the sound of Bram’s distinct laughter. Second to Monk’s, it’s my most hated sound.

“He’s pushing his fucking luck,” I grit out, my teeth grinding in anger as I glare at the prick. Bram winks the moment my gaze meets his.

“He can push all he likes, Asia, but that motherfucker is going down just like the rest of them,” Ford retorts, stepping up beside us. He takes my hand in his and we walk towards our usual spot in the canteen that they’ve brazenly taken up residence in.

“Move!” Camden snarls as we reach our table. We’re gone a couple days and they think they can take our spot? Idiots.

“You gonna make me,boss?” Bram snarls, his eyes feral, teeth bared. Beside him Red grins nastily and Monk’s wolves snicker. I hate every single one of them with a passion that I desperately want to unleash. My resolve to stay calm wanes.

“No,Iam,” Ford counters, leaning over and grabbing Bram by the throat. He lifts him easily out of his seat and shoves him backwards. Bram stumbles over the upturned chair, falling on his arse. Red gasps, rushing to his side. She glares at us all as the rest of my boys flank me, and Monk’s wolves stand readying themselves for a fight. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now. There’s a clear divide. Camden is no more their leader than I am part of the HH crew. Like I give a shit anyway. I was never one of them and Camden doesn’t need those arseholes in his life. Red fusses over Bram, but like the complete arsehole that he is, he pushes her away and jumps to his feet, getting in Ford’s face.

“You’ll pay for that.”

“I’d like to see you fucking try.” Ford grins, a dangerous smile carving across his face as he grips Bram’s throat once more and shoves his face close. “You chose the wrong fucking side,brother.”

“Pretty sure I made the right choice, given the circumstances,” Bram retorts, a nasty smirk making him even more ugly than he already is.

“What the fuck do you know?” Camden steps in, his voice deadly and barbed with violence.

Bram flicks his gaze to Camden, looking him up and down like he’s some goddamn godfather andweshould be afraid ofhim. “Everything,” he grins.


“Hold that thought,” Eastern snarls under his breath, his hand coming up to Ford’s wrist. “We have company.”

Ford drops his hand and shoves Bram away as Mr Carmichael, Cal, Frank and Buddy step into the dining hall, their attention fixated on us all. The shithead Bram has the gall to point his finger directly at me. “I have a message for you,bitch,” he hushes out, his lips curling back over his teeth.

“And what might that be?” I snarl back. I feel Camden stiffen beside me whilst Ford vibrates with a violent energy. Around us the air snaps with a feral hunger darkening the growing tension in the room into something far more dangerous, something explosive. Bram grins, enjoying my anger. He fuckingknows.

“Spit it out, dickhead,” Camden growls through gritted teeth.

Bram’s smile is nothing short of malicious. “Pink is just a watered-down version of red. Weak, timid and easily tainted. I suggest you watch your goddamn step or that pretty little colour might just stain a little darker.”

Time stills.

The tick-tock of the dining hall clock suddenly pounds loudly in my ears. Each second that passes like a long drawn out minute. Blood rushes like an angry, poisonous torrent in my veins. All that pent-up rage starts to unfurl. I know I’m losing my shit despite the effort Ford put in last night to help me contain it, but not reacting is harder than I thought. Camden must have inhuman control, given what he’s been put through over the years.

“Asia,” Ford warns, knowing I’m on the path of no return and trying to bring me back from the brink.

“That’s it, Asia, listen to thisbad boyhere,” Bram spits, knowing what those words mean. Knowing those words are imprinted on Ford’s skin as a constant reminder of who his parents were and the child he once was.

I lose it.

“You bastard!” I shout, launching myself at him. Only my fists don’t meet his face because I’m being hauled backwards, one strong arm wrapped around my waist, the other still encased in plaster, hanging by his side.

“Not here,” Sonny growls into my ear, pulling me away from the bastard who’s laughing now, Red and the wolves joining in. He hauls me away whilst the whole dining hall watches with interest. Even if they don’t know what happened to Pink, it wouldn’t have gone unnoticed that Monk is no longer a resident at Oceanside. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that some kind of shit has gone down involving them both. How the hell Mr Carmichael is going to explain this fucking mess away is beyond me, but I don’t get chance to find out.

“Outside, now!” Cal snaps, giving Sonny a look before I’m yanked out of the dining hall by my arm and he strides over to deal with the warring crews who are now facing up to each other with violent intent.

“Let me fucking go,” I shout, snatching my arm away as we step out onto the gravel drive in the front of the building, rounding on him. I push against Sonny’s chest, trying to shove him out of the way so I can go back inside and murder Bram.

“Don’t be fucking stupid, Asia. Jesus Christ, I thought Ford sorted out your fucking rage last night! I can see you’re still too worked up to keep a cool head when taunted. Which they’re going to doa lotby the way.”

“Damn it, Sonny, get the fuck out of my way!”

“I just saved your arse in there. You could be a little more grateful,” Sonny retorts without a shred of humour in his voice. Something about that makes me even madder. Where has the happy-go-lucky, flirtatious boy gone? I twist on my feet in the opposite direction of the building and stride off, only vaguely aware that Sonny still follows despite my ugly attitude towards him.