“What? You’re not interested in that dickhead!”

“That was my exact response. When I tried to walk away she grabbed me, gave me a slap.” Kate sighs. “I should’ve gone to see Pink, instead I went back to my room and fucking cried. Maybe if I had grown some balls, Pink would still be here now.” Kate flops down onto her bed, holding her head in her hands.

“She was fucking in on it,” I seethe. “Her, Bram, the rest of Monk’s crew. You can bet your arse they were in on it. Keep you out of the way makes it easier for Monk to kidnap her.”

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same thing too.”

“Those motherfuckers deserve to get the shit beaten out of them.”

“They do, but what can we do, they’ve got the upper hand?”

“No way! You might be a target because of your association with me, but I’ll be fucked if I let them hurt you too. You need to make a stand.”

Kate wrinkles her nose. “Make a stand?”

“Yeah,” I respond, my thoughts veering off in another direction.

“I can tell this will involve me in something I’m not at all comfortable with, right?” Kate groans, giving me a suspicious look.

“There’s only one language they understand.Violence.”

“Jesus, Asia. We can’t just have a brawl. Mr Carmichael has laid down the law.”

I scoff. “Yeah, and much fucking use that’s been. But that’s beside the point. Let’s use the tools they’ve given us to our advantage.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’ll ask Cal to set up asparring sessionin his ring,” I say, finger quoting the words, because when I get in the ring with any one of those bastards, I’m not going to be sparring, that’s for damn sure. “No one said we couldn’t settle a few scores in the ring. That’s what it was set up for, right?”

“You’re forgetting one important thing, Asia… I reallycan’tfight.”

“Don’t think I didn’t notice how hard you pummelled Camden that day we were placed in our groups. I saw the fight in you then. Ford can train you. I’ll trainwithyou. We all will.”

“You already know how to fight,” she laughs, rolling her eyes, and I see a little of the old Kate come back.

“And so do you,” I remind her.

She thinks for a moment, her dark brows drawing together. “Fine, but I want that bitch Red. She’s had it coming for some time now,” she says, that spark within her lighting up with her own need for vengeance. I just need to stoke the flames and keep the fire within her alight. Sometimes needing revenge can eat a person alive; sometimes it’s exactly what theyneedto keep them fighting. Maybe for me it’s the former, but for Kate, I’m hoping it’s the latter.

“That’s settled then. We train and then we challenge those arseholes to a fight. Shame we can’t have the same rules as the Tower, but at least doing this will show you’re not an easy target. How does that sound?”

“Like I’ve lost my fucking mind.”

“But you’ll do it?”

She narrows her eyes, throws back her shoulders and straightens her spine. “Yeah, I’ll do it,” she agrees.

I grin, grasping her arm. I always knew Kate was a badarse bitch underneath it all. You don’t live through the horror of losing someone you loved in fucked up circumstances without having a core of granite. She’s tougher than she gives herself credit for.

When we reach the glass doors to the outside, I’m not at all surprised to find my boys waiting for us. Camden is talking in hushed tones with Eastern, Sonny is perched on the low wall, his foot tapping in agitation and Ford has schooled his features into a neutral state, like always. We lurk for a moment, watching them.

“They really are here for you, aren’t they?” Kate murmurs, her voice laced with awe and a little bit of sadness. I know why. The person she’d loved had abandoned her when she needed him the most. That must hurt.

“Si’s an idiot for not doing the same for you,” I say, squeezing her arm in a show of sisterhood. “If you ever get the chance to see him again, I reckon you need to give him shit, and if you don’t, then I sure as fuck will.”

“I doubt he’ll be returning home anytime soon, but thanks for having my back.” She gives me a shaky smile then presses her mouth in a line, holding onto the emotion I can see brimming in her eyes. “For now, I’ll just live vicariously through you. Four guys eh, how’s that going for you?” Her eyes twinkle a little in mischief, only to be shut down quickly with guilt.

I sigh. You know that feeling when someone dies and you’re really fucking sad, but something makes you smile out of the blue making you feel guilty as fuck. Well, this is what that feels like. Only Pink isn’t dead, and we have no fucking idea how to save her.