Sonny flicks his gaze to mine and for a moment I can’t breathe. He says so much without saying anything at all.

“Sonny?” I question. Being here is hard for him, not because he doesn’t want to fight, but because he’s afraid of what will happen if he does.

“I’m here. I’ve got your back. Let’s do this,” Sonny says just as fiercely, placing his own hand over the others. I hope he survives this. I need him to.

“Asia?” Eastern prompts, his gold-flecked brown eyes more tumultuous than I’ve ever seen before. I know he wishes I wasn’t here. I know he wishes I’d stayed behind. That I was safe. They all do. But this is my family too. This is my fight as much as theirs, more so perhaps.

“This is where I belong. I’m ready,” I repeat, cupping their hands between mine and pushing away the pain I feel inside. I grip their hands tightly. “It’s time for payback. It’s time for retribution.”

Around us the air crackles with tension and the humming need for vengeance.

The King might be my father, Monk my brother, but they’renotmy family.

These boys are. No, correction, thesemenare.

And we’re here to fight.