“Want to fill us in on what you’ve been discussing?” Eastern asks, ignoring Mr Carmichael’s attempt to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Grim has made some calls. She believes she might know where they’ve taken Pink and Camden’s mum,” Hudson explains, glancing at Grim.
I stiffen. “Where?”
Ford rests his hand on my thigh and squeezes. Giving me his support and his strength, without allowing me to feel weak. I’m grateful for it. With Eastern I can be vulnerable, with Ford he gives me what I need to fight. A little bit of his iron-clad resolve seeps into me.
“Where?” I repeat.
Grim locks eyes with me whilst everyone else in the room waits for her to elaborate. “I’m not one hundred percent certain. It’s a hunch. One thing I do know for sure is that neither Pink nor Camden’s mum are at the spa in Hastings. My girls haven’t seen or heard anything about them being brought there.”
“And?” Eastern butts in.
“And the King is extremely possessive to the point of obsession. Cam filled us in about the phone call from Monk. No matter what we think about his relationship with Cam’s mum, if she’s with Pink, then the King will be close by. Which makes this all the more difficult.” She sighs, pulling on her cigarette deeply. Behind her Louisa coughs, wafting the air about her face. The woman’s pregnant, she doesn’t need Grim puffing like a chimney around her. I would’ve said as much if Louisa hadn’t excused herself at that moment. She leaves the room with Max, but not before giving me a gentle smile.
“I want to talk with you in a little bit. Come find me in the kitchen when you’re done here, okay?”
“Okay,” I respond, briefly wondering about what she wants to say to me before turning my attention back to Grim. “Well, fucking spit it out. What does your hunch tell you?”
“The King has many places of residence dotted about the country that he likes to stay at depending on his mood and business dealings, but there is one place that he uses as a hideaway that he believes is a long-held secret. It’s not.”
“Grim has built up a lot of acquaintances over the years, and a lot of respect. People trust her, and with trust comes information,” Bryce explains, butting in.
“Oh my fucking God, will you just tell me where they are!” I snap, my patience ending.
“There’s a small island off the coast of Kent. Barely any residents bar a handful of tenants. He has a private home there. A small castle converted into apalace fit for a King…” she explains with more than a heavy dose of sarcasm.
“Fit for an arsehole more like,” Camden growls.
“And, you think he’s taken them there because…?” I insist.
“It seems the logical choice. The King believes he’s safe there, but I happen to know someone who has a vested interest in the King and his actions.”
“Who?” Camden asks Grim.
“A woman called Ma Silva. She was a very good friend of my grandfather’s once upon a time. She’ll tell me if my hunch is right and he’s suddenly got a couple of new house guests.” “Who the fuck is Ma Silva and how does she know the King?” Eastern asks, before the rest of us can.
“She’s his godmother, and she happens to own most of the island hispalaceis located on.”
“His godmother?” I ask incredulously, drawing my eyebrows together in a frown.
Camden shifts on the sofa, swinging his feet to the floor. “Why the fuck would his godmother helpus?”
“Because she owes me and because she knows he’s not a good man.”
“And if your hunch is right, and he’s keeping them there, what then?”
“Then we send someone to watch, and we wait to see what he wants from you, Asia.”
“Fucking perfect,” I mumble.
Grim stands and walks towards the French doors that open out to the garden. She unlocks the door and flicks her cigarette butt out before turning back to face us.
“I know it might not seem like it, but we have the upper hand because we have knowledge, and that is very powerful.”
“But that’s only if your hunch is correct, right?” I insist. “If you’re wrong and they’re not being held there, then what?”