Reality is female. It has to be, because it’s a right bitch.

When Eastern and I finally head downstairs and into the living room where everyone is waiting, reality slaps me in the face.


One moment I’m making love to my best friend and the next I’m faced with Kate’s haunted, pale face and the varying shades of concern on everyone else’s. I haven’t even given Kate a second thought since she left the room. I pushed her out of my head to save my sanity, not able to take on anyone else’s pain. Now that I’m faced with her, I feel like a piece of shit. Swallowing, we exchange glances and my first thought is to apologise to her, to hug her and reassure her that everything is going to be okay. Only I can’t, because that would be a fucking lie. Over the years, so many people have promised me the same and never once did those promises come true.

“Your mum’s a heroin addict… but everything will be okay.”

“We’re putting you in care… but everything will be okay.”

“Your brothers won’t be living with you anymore… but everything will be okay.”

“Your dad’s a fucking criminal… but everything will be okay.”

It’s bullshit.

I’d rather be prepared for the worst than be given false hope with a lie. So, all I can do is apologise. “I’m sorry, Kate. I needed to sort my head out.”

She nods tightly, a wobbly smile forming on her lips. “Of course you did. I understand.”

On the other side of the room Mr Carmichael watches me. He’s not his usual put together self. In fact, sleep seems to have bypassed him completely. He looks rough as shit. Good.

“Mr Carmichael,” I sneer, unable to help myself. What the fuck was he doing when all the shit went down? He’s got a lot to answer for.

“Asia,” he nods, wincing a little. “I’m…”

“Come in, we’ve a lot to sort out before you head back to Oceanside,” Hudson interrupts, waving us into the room.

Eastern squeezes my hand pulling me towards the sofa. Just like yesterday all the adults are on one side of the room, Ford, Camden, Kate and now us, on the other. There’s an invisible line separating us and the only person who seems to be straddling that line is Sonny. He’s perched on a footstool, his broken arm back in a sling, watching us closely. He looks stressed, so much more so than yesterday. It’s clear he’s been mediating between the two sides. Trying to bridge the gap that’s forming, just like I knew he would. I give him a shaky smile, grateful for him. For holding everything together.

“You okay?” he asks.

“I will be.”When I’ve killed the King, I think.

I sit between Kate and Ford, Eastern resting at our feet. Kate picks at her nails nervously and I grab her hand, holding it in mine. She lets out a shaky breath, then sits up a little straighter.

On the opposite end of the sofa Camden has his bare feet pulled up onto the seat cushion, and even though there’s only a small space between us, the gap feels wider than it should. His body language is a little closed off, defensive, and when I catch his gaze I can’t help but notice how his eyes narrow at the flush that shines on Eastern’s cheeks, probably on mine too.

“Feeling better?” he asks me, his voice gruff.

“I am,” I state, not allowing myself to feel guilty about the fact Eastern and I just had sex. I won’t. Camden nods, a muscle in his jaw ticking. Knowing him the way I do, I’m sure he’s finding it hard not to go all domineering on my arse. He’s a contradiction, swerving between possessive and giving. The two sides of his personality warring constantly.

“I’d like to say it’s good to see you, Asia, but under the circumstances that doesn’t seem appropriate,” Mr Carmichael says, and even though he doesn’t apologise outright I know he’s sorry too. I see just how much in his eyes. They’re very expressive, even when he has his game face on, but I can’t acknowledge his silent apology because I’m angry. At him, at the King, at the whole fucking world right about now. The anger I’d managed to suppress in Eastern’s arms comes hurtling back full force.

“Camden told us you weren’t feeling well. Do we need to call you a doctor?”

“No,” I immediately snap. “Just a migraine. I’m fine.”

“Asia, I’m responsible for your wellbeing…” Mr Carmichael insists.

Kate snorts. “Like you were for Pink’s?”

“I deserve that.”

No one corrects him.