“Hello, Asia, glad you could make it,” he says, and even though we’re all wearing masks, it’s not hard to tell I’m the only woman amongst a gang of men.

“Monk,” I hush out.

“Montgomery Bennett to you, little sister.”

“I am not your damn sister, you piece of shit!” I shout, finding my voice at last.

Monk laughs and the sound grates on my last fucking nerve. “You can protest all you like, but you know as well as I do that the Bennett blood burns through your veins. Nothing quite like abject violence to ease the soul, hmm?”

“Fuck you! I’mnota Bennett,” I spit, acutely aware of my boys stepping into formation beside me. The air hums with the violence Monk speaks of. But this kind of violence is born from the need to protect, not some sick twisted way to get our rocks off like Monk.

“You don’t like the name? You should be grateful to be a part of such a world-renowned crime family, Asia. You know there’s a reason my father named me after the most notorious member of the Bennett family,” Monk says, an evil smile pulling up his lips. He lifts his hand, crooking his finger. My heart thunders in my chest as Pink is brought forward, held upright by another guard. Her head dangles between her shoulders, her feet dragging across the floor.

“Is this what you came for?” Monk asks, lifting the chin of my friend.

“Pink?” I hush out, sudden nausea rising up my throat. She’s barely conscious, her face swollen, her lip split and bleeding. She groans and something inside of me snaps.

“YOU BASTARD!” I scream, rushing forward only to be hauled backwards by strong arms. Ford holds me as I struggle to get to my half-brother. I never wanted to rip someone apart more than I do right this second. I swear to God, I’m going to claw open his stomach with my bare hands and gut him just like he’s gutted me with his abuse of my friend.

“Easy, Asia, two of the guards have guns,” Ford whispers in my ear.

Monk laughs. “You fucked with the wrong family.”

My breath comes in short, sharp breaths. “Iamfamily, remember!? Like you said, Bennett blood runs in my veins too. You underestimated me once before and I handed you your arse. Don’t doubt me again,” I growl, elbowing Ford hard in the diaphragm. He lets me go with a grunt and the next second I’m reaching over grasping for the gun strapped to Malakai’s waist, only it’s no longer holstered there.

Time slows.

Malakai shoves me aside.

I stumble.

Three shots ring out in quick session.




Pink falls forward, crashing to the floor as the guard holding her falls backwards, a gunshot wound between his eyes, bits of brain, tissue and bone splattering the men behind him. The two other guards holding the guns follow suit.

A heartbeat later all hell breaks loose as time speeds up once more.

“Grab the girl!” Malakai shouts to whoever’s listening. The gun he’s holding is knocked out of his hand by a well-placed kick from one of the guards. It fires again, the stray bullet piercing a hole in the wall opposite, sending tiny shards of plaster into the air.

Malakai launches himself at the nearest guard, throwing punches as he swerves a razor-edged knife. Eastern, Camden and Ford all pile in, fighting off the other remaining guards, and Sonny who’s nearest to Pink, reaches for her, ducking as Eastern’s knife whizzes past his head and hits another guard in the chest. Shock registers in the guard’s eyes as he falls to his knees choking on thick, viscous blood before he can even think about drawing his own weapon.

Did Eastern just kill that man?Fuck.

I don’t have time to even comprehend what that means for him, because my attention is drawn back to my brother as he barks out an order into a communication device strapped around his upper arm. My heart pounds loudly in my ears, everything around me blurring in a broiling mass of violence as my attention zeros in on him. There’s no fear in his eyes, just elation. He already thinks he’s won, and that worries me way more than what’s happening now. An awful thought passes through my head… have we been set up?

I’ve no time to consider my stray thoughts because I’m dodging one guard’s punch and ducking out of the way of another as I scramble over to Sonny and help him drag Pink to the corner of the room. Behind us my boys and Malakai are fighting the remaining guards whilst my brother looks on, one foot already backing out of the door. He’s ready to make his escape should his guards lose.

And they’re going to lose.

We both know that.