His face drops when he sees my reaction. “It’s not like that. Mum had a little extra for the first time in forever and she wanted me to have some. I didn’t want to take it, but she insisted. She felt good giving it to me, even when I felt sick pocketing it. This was a stupid idea. I’ll give it back to her next time I see her.”

Eastern shoves the money back into his pocket and turns to look longingly at the funfair behind us. The rollercoaster zooms by in a flash of colour and noise, and I realise that he too has never been on one either.

“Hey,” I say, gently touching his arm. “If you want to spend your money stuffing your face with junk food and then puking it up, who am I to stop you? Besides, I could use the entertainment.”

“You really want to?”

“Ireallywant to,” I admit, looking past Eastern and at a group of kids with their parents. All of them are smiling, all of them are having fun. I’ve spent my entire life watching, being on the outside looking in. For once, I want to be the one everyone is envious of and not the one everyone warns their children about.

Eastern beams and pulls me in for a hug. “Girl, you’re gonna wish you said no! Rollercoaster first, baby!”

“Baby?!” I mutter, feeling equal amounts pleased and disgusted by his choice of endearment. I never thought I was a feminist… Pretty sure I’m a non-conformist, actually. Butbaby?

“What?” he turns to me, totally missing my disgust. “You don’t wanna go on the rollercoaster?”

“Hell, yes I do,darling,” I retort with a smirk.

If he heard my sarcasm, he doesn’t respond. Instead, he drags me to the entrance happily handing over the ten-pound fee to get in and another thirty quid buying up tickets for each of the rides. His smile as we’re locked into the seats of the rollercoaster is something I’ll never forget for as long as I live. He may have made a mistake joining Camden’s crew. He may have done something stupid,irresponsible, but Eastern has always been there for me. One mistake isn’t enough to break our bond. I refuse to let it.

When he leans over and presses a haphazard kiss against my smiling mouth, my heart soars.

This, this right here is what happiness is.

Twenty-four hours later, that happiness is well and truly fucked up.