“Good, because I’m not planning on leaving the room starkers, and I’m not putting those wet clothes back on. Can I have a cigarette,” he responds, leaning over me and grabbing the pack and the lighter that’s sitting next to me on the bed before I’ve even had time to respond. The towel slides off his lap and he doesn’t bother to cover himself up again. Maybe I should’ve had a shower too, perhaps I wouldn’t feel so fucking cold still.

“Help yourself,” I sigh. He’s being a dick andshowinghis dick. Granted he’s got a reason to be a wanker, but still. I watch him light a cigarette and wait. He smokes it in silence, taking deep pulls and savouring the smoke filling his lungs. When he’s smoked it down to the butt, the ash collected in the palm of his hand, he gets off the bed and saunters to the window opening it and throwing the butt and ash out. A blast of cold air rushes into the room, making me shiver. Camden closes the window quickly then turns to face me, naked as the day he was born.

“You should wrap that towel back around your waist Camden, it might shrivel up left out in the air too long…” I jerk my chin towards his dick, raising my eyebrows. I know full well I’m pushing my damn luck but do it anyway.

“Aren’t you afraid, Asia?”

“I’m not frightened of a naked body Camden, if that’s what you’re getting at.”


He stalks towards me, nudges my feet apart and kneels on the bed between my parted legs. My skin rushes with heat, partly because he’s fucking beautiful but also partly because he’s pushing this too far. Yet, I refuse to show fear. I know what this is. This is about dominance. I ripped his away the second I told him the truth, now he’s trying to reclaim it back. I keep my gaze fixed firmly on his face and when his hand reaches to cup the back of my head, my heart begins to hammer like a dozen kids pounding the pavement with their feet.

“I could hurt you so bad, Asia. I could hurt you like you hurt me,” he says, his voice low and penetrating.

“But you won’t,” I reply, certain, sure of my faith in him.

“You really believe that whilst I’m naked before you, my cock in one hand, your head in the other?”

“You won’t hurt me,” I repeat, gritting my jaw. I refuse to show fear, even though a tiny thread pierces my heart.

“You’re shaking....”

He’s right, the shivering is starting in earnest now and I can’t tell whether it’s because he’s threatening me, I really am suffering from hypothermia or because I want his damn cock in my mouth. Perhaps all three.

“You won’t hurt me.”

“Butyouhurtme. I’m fucking bleeding, Asia. I’m fucking torn up. What you see now is an illusion. My chest is torn open, my fucking heart shredded to bits. You did that. You did that to me.”

“I have hurt you, and you’ve hurt me too. Now we’re even. But don’t for one second think I won’t bite your dick in half if you try and shove it in my mouth unwanted,” I snarl, my frantic heart beating a rhythm that I don’t understand.

Excitement, fear,lust.

All of it churns inside of me now, a heady mix that’s intoxicating. His fingers tighten in my hair as he regards me. For one achingly terrifying, panty-melting moment I think he’s going to do it.

“Good girl,” he mutters, releasing his hold, smoothing my hair back down. “I needed to be sure.”

“Sure of what?” I ask, breathing out heavily as he gets off the bed, grabs the towel and wraps it around his waist.

“That you’re strong enough to face what’s coming. When we go up against the King you need to be ready.”

“What are you saying?”

He picks his wet clothes up off the floor and heads towards the door. “I’m saying let’s do this. Let’s take down the fucking King and be free of him once and for all. Maybe then I can be the man you deserve, not the fucked-up kid he made.”

“You want to do this?”

His hand stills on the door handle. “I want to fight back. I want to save my mum. I want more than this shitty existence I live. I wantyou.”

“You have me, Camden. I promise,” I reply gently.

“No I haven’t, not yet. I’m not fucking worthy of your promise, but I will be. I’ll prove my worth. I’ll never ever give you a reason to hate me again.”

“And the others? Eastern, Sonny…Ford. I can’t do this without them.”

He nods tightly. “I know. I’ll tolerate them for you.”

“Even Ford?” I press.