“By trusting in the people I’ve come to care about. Byyoutrustingme.” When he moves to walk away, I grab his wrist forcing him to stop. “I won’t give up on you.”
“It’s too fucking late!”
“Someone told me recently that trust is earned, not something given without thought or care and I’m trusting you. Who’s to say you won’t just tell the King about all of this. Maybe it’d earn you some brownie points. Maybe he’d give up your mum in exchange for ratting me and Eastern out. I’ve just as much to lose as you do, the only difference is I’m brave enough to take the risk.”
“I’m not a fucking coward.”
“No?” I retort. I know I’m pressing his buttons, but I can’t seem to help myself. “Seems to me you’re afraid.”
“Fuck you, Asia. I’m not afraid.”
“Then prove it. Prove it to me now.”
“I don’t have to do shit.”
“Don’t do that, don’t walk away. I will fix this,” I say, jogging to catch up with him.
“And what if you can’t? What if this blows up in our faces and the King kills my mum anyway? What then, Asia? How the fuck are you going to help me then?”
“We’ll destroy him before that ever happens,” I promise vehemently.