“I’ve programmed in a new number to reach Eastern. I have another phone that I can give to him too. At least you can talk.”

“What? Why? After everything you said, why would you do this now…?”

“Because Bling would neverevermake someone choose, never force someone to do anything against their wishes. He had fucking integrity.”

“And what about your crew?”

“They don’t need to know.” He chews on the inside of his mouth, a flicker of anxiety crossing his features. “I’ve no right to ask this of you. I’ve no right to ask you to pretend that you even like me enough to stay, but I’m going to, Asia. If you go now and I do nothing to stop it the news will get back to the King and he’ll deem me not worthy. I’ll lose the little respect he has for me. But if that was it, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’d let you go, and I’d walk. But it’s not as simple as that. My mum’s life could really be fucked. It was bad enough that I let Eastern go, that I allowed you retribution with Monk… I made a decision without the King’s specific approval. He didn’t like it.”

“That wasn’t enough for the King to hurt you, your mum?” I’m careful how I phrase this question given Camden hasn’t told me Monk is the King’s son, but Ruby, and I know exactly what happened when Camden displeased him.

“Oh, he hurt her alright. He hurt her so bad she was left with five broken ribs, a broken arm and a face that’s unrecognisable. He knows how to get to me, through her.”

“The bastard,” I breathe out.

“So, here’s the thing. I do need you. I need you because my mum’s life depends on it. I need you because you get how things work in our world. I need you because I can’t look at you without knowing you’re mine even when that’s a lie. I need you because you’re the kind of person who’s loyal to the bitter end. Maybe I’m grasping for an impossibility. Maybe I’m a fool…” He laughs then, but it's a sad laugh that scores deep into my flesh and marks my bone. “But it’s the truth.”

“I could hurt you…” I say. Out of everyone, he’s putting his trust in me. I’m the one person with the power to ruin him, ruin his mother’s life, maybe even be responsible for ending them.

“Yes, but somehow I don’t think you will.” When I don’t answer he takes a step away from me, backing towards the door. “Think about it?” he asks.

Fear pricks the air. Camden’s, my own. It crackles and snaps around us with intent.

“I shouldn’t have forced you to make a choice. I should never have let you in the crew. I didn’t want too, but when you insisted I thought of my own selfish desires and no one else’s. If that doesn’t make me the worst fucking human alive, I don’t know what does.”

For a beat I can’t move, can’t think, can’t say a damn word. Then as if on their own accord my feet move towards him. What I do next surprises me. It surprises Camden given he stiffens the second I slide my arms around his waist and press my cheek against his broad chest. The thumping sound of his heart is battle worn and weary. He’s fucking tired of all this shit. Goddamn exhausted at battling through the storm. I understand that better than anyone.

Eventually, tentatively, his arms wrap around my back as he pulls me tight against him and although I’m the one who feels engulfed by his sheer size, it’s Camden who seems small.

“I’m sorry about your mum,” I mutter into his chest, tucking the phone he gave me back into his jean pocket.

“What are you doing?” he asks, surprise evident in his voice.

“Eastern and I are strong enough. We’ll survive.”

“I don’t want you to have to survive, Asia.”

“You have a friend, Camden. I’ll do what I can,” I say cryptically, understanding just as much as he does that he’ll never be free. None of us will be so long as the King still holds all the strings.