“He’s hurt. Can you blame him?”

“I wouldn’t let you go so easy…”

“You haven’t given him a choice.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You agreed to my terms. Eastern had nothing to do with the deal we made so why is he following the rules? Like I said, I wouldn’t let you go so easy.”

“Stop talking,” I snap. The thin line of my resolve waning.

“Fine,” Camden says, dropping his arm around my shoulder.

“What are you doing?”

“Not talking,” he shrugs, pulling me closer against his side at that exact same moment Eastern looks over at us both. The smile he was wearing drops and instead a dark scowl crosses his features. Kate sees the change instantly, and she follows his gaze. Her disappointment cuts me just as deep.

“Camden. Don’t make this any more difficult for Eastern than it needs to be,” I hush out, forcing myself to look away from my best friend’s hurt.

“Maybe this will send a rocket up his arse,” Camden responds.

“Don’t do that. Don’t taunt him.” I try to shake him free, but he just holds on to me tighter.

“Besides, what difference does this make now? You didn’t complain last night when you fell asleep with your head in my lap.”

“I wassick.”


“And I didn’t have the fucking strength to argue. Today, I’m asking you to stop rubbing his nose in it. You’ve got me haven’t you? Isn’t that enough?”

“Not nearly. Not the way I want…” he whispers, gripping my chin with his fingers and forcing me to face him. I can’t distinguish whether he’s pissed off or turned on. There always seems to be a very fine line between those two emotions with him.

“Back off…” I hiss.

But that was the exact wrong thing to say. You don’t tell the leader of the Hackney’s Hackers crew to back off. It’s like setting alight a field of sun-dried grass and expecting it not to catch fire.

“No,” he says, then brushes his lips against mine, kissing me gently in front of everyone.

Over the whoops and catcalls of the HH crew I can hear the distinct sound of Eastern swearing and Kate and Pink calling his name as he leaves the room.

Inside I’m breaking apart. Breaking apart because I’m hurting the people I care about. Breaking apart because despite it all, his kiss is burning me up even if it is only a gentle caress.

Everything is going to shit, and it’s only the first day.

Camden pulls back and gives me a look that dares me to respond. I want to punch him for making Eastern hurt, for making mefeel. Instead, I pick up my glass of orange juice and knock it back in one go before standing.

“See you in class.”

“Where are you going?” Camden frowns, a flicker of remorse in his eyes.

“I’ve got a date with the principal,” I lie before striding off.

Thing is when I get outside the dining hall, Eastern, Kate and Pink are nowhere to be found. So, I end up doing exactly what I lied about and head towards Mr Carmichael’s office.