“You need to make Camden believe you’ve given up on us, okay? If he thinks you’ve turned your back on me then maybe he’ll open up more.”

“What are you asking, Asia?”

“You know what I’m asking. Let’s get this done, okay?”

He looks at me long and hard, fighting with himself then nods. “Catch you later?” he asks, a familiar question I’ve heard countless times over the years. My answer is always the same.

“Only if you’re prepared to chase me.”

“Always,” he whispers.

When he leaves the room shutting the door softly behind him only then do I allow myself to crumble.

Just for a moment.

Onlya moment.

Others might want to pity me, but I refuse to pity myself.

“Asia, we need to talk,” Mr Burnside says, re-entering the room as I swipe at my face.

“No. We’re done.”

“I don’t agree with any of this. Not the deal you made with Crown, nor the way he manipulated you. Mr Carmichael and I have agonised over it. This doesn’t sit well with him either, though he understands your situation better than anyone. He knows the rules, the goddamn lines that have been drawn. He won’t step in unless you want him too. But I can’t see you this way. I want to help. Let me.”

“Last term you asked me what you had to do to get me to trust you. Do you remember?”

“Of course.”

“Then letmedo this.”

“Alicia…” he protests. I’m not sure if reverting to the name I was given was a mistake or intentional. Either way it’s the shove I need to get myself in check.

Standing, I throw my shoulders back, straighten my spine and look him dead in the eye. “My name’s Asia and Iownthe storm within me. If there’s one thing I know for certain, Mr Burnside, I won’t ever let it or them break me.”