We regard each other, and I get a familiar feeling of warmth in my traitorous belly. He seems sincere, he really does, and I so want to believe that he’ll have my back no matter what I choose to do. But this is Camden we’re talking about. Sonny doesn’t like him any more than Ford does. “I want to believe it, but shit is complicated…”

My voice trails off as my eyes bug out as Ros walks out of the art storeroom with the newest member of the class.

“What shit, Asia?” Sonny asks.

“What the hell isCamdendoing here?” I snap ignoring his question. He’s holding a bunch of art equipment in his muscular arms whilst talking to Ros.

“Ah, yeah…” Sonny growls, following my gaze.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s the new student?” I hiss.

“Yep, seems that way. The arsehole loves to stir shit up.”

“You could’ve given me a warning, Sonny.”

“Yeah, and what difference would that have made? Just ignore him. We talked about this. You ain’t his, okay?”

“For fuck sake,” I snap loud enough for Camden to hear.

His head whips up, his topaz eyes boring holes into mine as he meets my furious gaze. His expression remains neutral as he assesses Sonny and me. With a determined set of his jaw, Camden quickly says something to Ros then strides over.

“This art shit is a right doss,” he says as soon as he reaches us both, immediately inciting a snarky response from Sonny.

“Fuck off, Camden. Some of us happen to take thisart shitseriously.”

“Yeah, right, and my name’sBling,” he retorts, drawing a shocked intake of breath from me and a scowl from Sonny who’s completely oblivious to the inside joke. Well, it’s not really a joke given none of us are laughing. CamdenisBling and Sonny has no fucking clue.

“Bling has more talent in his little finger than you have in your whole body, Camden. So why don’t you give up the fucking ghost and go piss someone else off.”

Camden laughs. “I’ll be sure to tell him.”

I wince, hating that he’s baiting Sonny and I’m not doing anything to set him straight. Why is that? I should just call his bluff and tell Sonny right now that he is in fact Bling. Yet, I don’t. It’s an unwritten rule in the graffiti world. If an artist doesn’t want their identity revealed then that must be respected above anything else. Once again, I keep a secret I’ve no business keeping for a guy who doesn’t deserve it.

“You’ve made your point, now fuck off,” Sonny adds, holding his ground. He’s not afraid of Camden and I admire him for it. At the same time, I don’t want him getting into shit for me. This is a mess already.

Camden scoffs. “No, I won’t. Whether I sit at this table with Asia has nothing to do with you.”

“Maybe so, but it haseverythingto do with Asia. I’m pretty sure she wants a say in the things that concern her. Right, Asia?”

I look between the two of them. I know Sonny’s waiting for me to call Camden out. To give him a piece of my mind over the fact he challenged Ford for me like either one had any fucking claim in the first damn place. But I don’t call him out. I’ve got one goal in mind and I must stick to the plan. No matter what.

I sigh. “Sit down, Camden.”

Sonny looks at me in horror. Camden just smirks. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a new table partner.”

“Fucking perfect,” Sonny growls, pressing so hard with his pencil that it snaps in half. He chucks the pencil on the table and stalks off to the store cupboard muttering about how much he’d like to snap something else instead.

“I take it you heard then,” Camden says, sliding onto the stool next to me and dropping a sketchpad, pencils, some pastels and charcoal onto the table.

“Yeah, I heard. Have you come to claim your prize, is that it?” I look him dead in the eyes, daring him to try. I know I should be offering myself up on a goddamn platter, instead I’m doing what I always do, challenging him. It’s second nature for me. Someone pushes, I push back harder.

His gaze flicks from my eyes to my lips and back again. “I should’ve done that this morning in front of everyone in the dining hall.”

“So why didn’t you? I’m yours now, right?” The sarcasm drips from my tongue. I can’t fucking seem to stop myself.

Camden laughs hollowly. “We both know that isn’t true. No one can claim you unless you want them to.”

“So, why do it in the first place then? Why challenge Ford for me? You’ve no right, Camden.” The devil on my shoulder is urging me to give him more shit. The sensible part is telling me to shut the fuck up.

“Because I needed to see how much Ford really wants you.”


“Ford never loses, Asia. He should’ve won the fight. He let me win you, proving my point.”

“And what point is that?” I snap, my stomach turning over with doubt.

“That he never wanted you in the first place…”