“Spit it out, Asia.” Eastern says, watching my leg bounce up and down with nerves. “What the fuck was Pink talking about?” Cold air huffs out of his mouth as he watches me.

“I only found out myself this morning. Sonny told me…” I wince realising that as far as Eastern’s concerned he was the first person to see me this morning seeing as he knocked on my door ten minutes before we were due to head down to the dining hall for breakfast and kissed me until I had trouble breathing.

“At what point did Sonny come to your room, after we kissed each other goodnight or before we kissed each other this morning?”

“He turned up in my room this morning before you came to meet me for breakfast,” I admit.

“What do you mean he turned up?”

“He picked my lock.”

“He fucking WHAT?! The little prick!” Eastern jumps up, clouds of warm air releasing from his mouth in puffs.

“Sit down, Eastern,” I say, grabbing his arm and forcefully pulling him back down. He’s always been protective but being here has made that amplify.

“You don’t care that he broke into your room?” he asks. “Who the fuck does he think he is?”

“Myfriend…” I say carefully. “He wanted to warn me about the shit that’s gone down over the Christmas break.”

“He could’ve fucking knocked.”

“Yeah, he could’ve.” I sigh.

“So what’s this shit about. Camden up to his old tricks?” Eastern grinds out, running a hand through his dark hair.

“CamdenandFord. Apparently they fought at a place called Grim Fight club…” I look at him waiting for a reaction.

“And what did the winner get?” Eastern asks his voice veiled in anger.

“Me, apparently.”

“MOTHERFUCKING CUNTS!” Eastern roars, slamming his fist against the wood so hard it shakes under the weight of us. “I’m gonna kill them. Who the fuck do they think they are? It’s like you get no fucking say in the matter.”

“Look, believe me, I had a similar reaction to you. Thing is, this kind of works in our favour.” I draw in a deep breath, blowing it out steadily. Eastern is scowling at me, his mouth pressed in an angry line. He knows what I’m about to say but he refuses to acknowledge it.

“This is the in I was looking for, Eastern. Camden fought Ford to have me andwon. As far as he’s concerned, I’m part of his crew no matter how fucked up that sounds.”

“You’renothis,” Eastern hisses. “You’re not fucking anyone’s. No one owns you, Asia. Not me, not Sonny, not Ford or Camden. Not that arsehole Crown or the principal of this school. No-fucking-one.”

I grasp hold of Eastern’s fist, smoothing my hand over his clenched one. “Of course not, and I appreciate you saying that. It’s good to know that I can trust one person not to want to go all caveman on me.” I laugh a little at that only to abruptly stop when Eastern suddenly grasps my face in his hands.

“Don’t think for one second I don’t want to own you, Asia. I want you to bemine,but I know you well enough to know that’s not how it works for you. I love you enough to keep my caveman tendencies in fucking check. I respect you more than that.”

He leans in close and as much as I want to kiss him, I need to come clean. Shifting backwards, I move away from his hold. His hands drop to his lap as he looks at me with hurt in his eyes. In a minute I’m going to hurt him some more.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Eastern…”Fuck, this is hard.

“And…?” He waits.

“This isn’t easy for me to say…”

“You’ve never had any problems telling me anything, Asia. What makes this so hard?”

“I don’t want to hurt you. That’s the last fucking thing I want to do, Eastern.”

“Asia, just say it,” he warns.

I grip is hand, squeezing hard. “I kissed Sonny…”