Present Day

It’s pitch black inside and whilst I’m used to heading out into the dark when graffitiing, there’s always some light either from the streetlamps or the night sky. In here there’s none, and an irrational kind of fear suddenly climbs up my back as I strain to see. Memories of that night when Monk and his wolves tried to hurt me comes hurtling back and I let out a little shriek then slam my mouth shut forcefully. I’mnota petrified little girl. I’m tougher than this for fuck sake. I am.

“Don’t be afraid, Asia,” Eastern whispers, the soft feathers of his breath tickling my neck and scattering goosebumps over my skin. He steps so close that I can feel the heat of his body press into mine. The fear that assaulted me quickly disperses when Eastern engulfs me in his embrace, his broad chest against my back. Solid, warm,safe.

“Never, not with you,” I respond honestly.

Eastern has always known how to make me feel safe. When he’s by my side I feel immune to danger. Growing up, we were the superheroes of our childhoods. Nothing could ever touch us. It’s probably why we’ve gotten into so much trouble over the years. Our childish imaginations, naivety, and a strong dose of bravado were a potent mix for attracting trouble. But no matter what we got into, we always got out of it together.

“I’ve got your back,” he says, echoing Ford’s words from a few weeks ago. Words, which if I’m being honest, have been haunting me now that I know a little bit more about the history between Ford and Camden. Especially now that I know about Sapphire.

“It’s just you and me, Asia. Like it’s always been.” He presses a kiss against the curve of my neck and though I want to enjoy it, I can’t. The fact that I still haven’t told Eastern about Ford and Sonny is like having an ice-cold bucket of water thrown over me. I stiffen in his hold for reasons other than just the kiss I’d shared with them both, but from the terrible revelation Camden had seen fit to reveal on the beach that last day of term. Something I’ve been struggling to comprehend ever since. I need to tell Eastern everything. It’s time.

“Asia?” he questions, sensing the sudden change.

“There’s something I need to…” I start, but this time it’s Eastern’s turn to tense up.

“Did you hear that…? He flicks on the torch app on his mobile phone, illuminating the surrounding space. “SHIT!” Eastern barks out as I blink back the sudden light and follow his gaze nearly jumping out of my skin when I see our reflections in a curved row of tall mirrors opposite us.

“What the hell?” I blurt out, willing my overstimulated heart to calm down. It’s had far too much excitement for one day already.

“For fuck sake. I nearly had a heart attack!” he exclaims, clutching his chest and blowing out a long breath.

“No shit,” I agree, as the arc of light moves about the space, illuminating more mirrors and showing off every angle of our reflections. “Oh my god, you do realise what this place is right?”

Eastern makes a kind of grunting noise. “I’m not a complete fucking moron, Asia.”

“It’s a hall of mirrors! I’ve always wanted to go in one of these places.” I clap my hands together pushing everything I need to say away and allowing myself a moment of childish glee. The truth can wait another five minutes. Just five more minutes, then I’ll tell him.

“A tent of mirrors more like,” Eastern grumbles, not nearly as happy about being here as I am.

“This is fucking awesome!” I exclaim, walking towards the run of mirrors and finding a gap in the centre that I hadn’t noticed because of the optical illusion. It’s both creepyandexciting.

“This wasnotwhat I had in mind,” Eastern laughs nervously, trying to hide the fear I recognise so well in his voice. “Pretty sure most carnival horror movies have a hall of mirrors just like this one. Any minute now an axe wielding nutcase is going to barrel in here and chop us up into tiny pieces. I could’ve sworn I heard something…”

“Shut up. It’s just your mind playing tricks on you.”

“Iheardsomething,” he insists.

“Don’t tell meyou’rescared?” I laugh loudly, rounding on him. He puffs out his cheeks and chest in response, trying and failing to look untroubled. “You are! Oh my god, Eastern, if I knew your reflection scared you so much I would’ve ribbed you about it a lot sooner.”

“Hey, I amnotscared of my reflection. This place is just creepy as fuck. Like I said, axe murderer.”

“Oh, this is priceless! Eastern who isn’t scared of anything, fears his reflection,” I gloat, reaching into my coat pocket and pulling out my own mobile phone, thankful that I managed to get it back at the end of term. Camden still has my spare, but I’m not bothered about that one. He can keep it for all I care. Pressing on the torch icon, I give Eastern a mischievous smile of my own and run towards the gap between the run of mirrors.

“Alicia!” Eastern calls, cursing me as I run away from him and into the maze.

“It’s Asia, arsehole!” I call out over my shoulder, giggling. He won’t be able to resist the chase.

I run; he follows.

It’s always been that way, ever since we were kids. If I can count on anything, I can count on that. Always by my side, always protecting my back. I’m not afraid, not like I was back at Oceanside when Monk had tried to screw with me. This is different, because I want to be caught. I want to be caught by Eastern.

“Asia, come back,” he yells, following the demand with a long stream of expletives.

His reaction just makes me laugh harder, run faster.