Grateful to have this special moment.

Grateful to be happy, even for a short while.

I’m not foolish enough to think this feeling will last, but I appreciate it, nonetheless.

“What’s this place?” I ask as Eastern stops outside a red peaked tent, just like a smaller version of a big top that I’ve seen on TV over the years.

“I’ve no idea, but I clocked it from the Ferris Wheel. Thought it looked interesting… and deserted,” he shrugs with a wry grin.

“No one else seems to think it’s interesting,” I laugh, looking around us. We seemed to have found ourselves on the outskirts of the funfair. There aren’t many people hanging around here, even the lights don’t seem to penetrate the ever-growing darkness just beyond the fringes of the stalls. It’s only five pm, but the sun has long since gone down. January is a shitty month normally, but at least the rain has held off for now.

“Besides, it’s closed, Eastern…”

“When has that stopped us before?” he grins, looking about quickly before crouching down, and unzipping the thick canvas. “You and I both know that it’s not breaking and entering if it isn’t locked…” He ducks inside, holding his hand out to me from inside the darkness of the tent.

“Tell that to the judge who sent me to Oceanside. Mr Patel’s shop wasn’t locked either.”

Eastern laughs, a bright sound that bursts out of his mouth. I can almost see the colourful bubble floating in the air in amusement. “True, but I really need a moment with you. Pretty sure it’s safe…”

“We’ve only got an hour to get back to Oceanside. The walk through the town centre and up the hill will take at least thirty minutes. We’re pushing for time, Eastern.” I’ve no idea why I’m suddenly taking on the parental role. I’m not worried about getting caught or being late. Maybe deep down I’m not ready to explore the next stage in our relationship. Maybe he was joking about stroking my…pussy. But even so, stranger things have happened. It’s not as though we don’t know each other intimately, just not that kind of intimate. First base is one thing, skipping over second base and going for third, quite another. Then again, that didn’t stop me with Ford.

Ford… The thought of him has me tingling all over and feeling all kinds of twisted up inside. He’s so very different to Eastern, not as open, but someone I feel I can trust despite that; despite Camden’s warnings about him. He taught me to fight the right way. He made me feel a part of something that night he looked after me in his room. He stole a kiss, an orgasm and a little spot inside my chest for the trouble. Maybe I’m foolish to trust my gut about him knowing what I know, but it’s never done me wrong before now.

And what about Sonny, Ford’s newest recruit and the niggle to my consciousness?

Sonny… I can’t forget the way he’d danced with me at the Tower and the fire it brewed inside of me. Or the way he stood up for me when he kicked Monk’s arse. And what about the way he kissed me on the beach, then a few weeks later the fact he’d refused to steal a kiss like Ford had. Despite his flirting and his tendency to steal, he never took what wasn’t offered by me. I’ll always appreciate that.

“Come on, Asia. Just a few minutes,” Eastern insists, interrupting my wayward thoughts, his crooked smile shining white in the darkness. “I just want a moment alone with you without the world looking on. I get the feeling this might be the last time for a while.”

He lets that statement hang in the air between us. I know Eastern, this isn’t some ploy to get in my knickers. Well, maybe it is a little bit, but he needs this… this reassurance that all will be okay between us. I guess I need it too when I take his hand and duck inside the tent.

“Just a few minutes,” I agree.