“Didn’t realise you had this,” he mumbles, his fingers pressing into the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. I place my hand over his, enjoying his touch but knowing it’s not appropriate whilst we’re here sitting at the table making small talk with the men who are going to help save his arse. He releases me, but not before giving me a look that heats my skin further.

Once Louisa has served up a round of bacon sandwiches that we each inhale in 2.5 seconds flat, Cal enters the room flipping his phone off.

“All set?” Max asks him, reaching for the last bacon sandwich. Cal smacks his hand, hard.

“Hands off, that has my name on it,” he says, grabbing the sandwich and the last mug of coffee from the table. “And yes. They’ll be here in an hour or so.”

“Good. I think these guys here could use some time to get their heads straight before Hud arrives with Grim.”

Camden stiffens beside me, but rather than act out he simply gets up and walks from the room. I watch him leave, worry coursing through my veins.

“Are we going to need security for when she arrives?” Max asks glancing at Camden’s retreating back. He pushes off the table and gathers Louisa into his side, pressing a kiss against the top of her head. She kind of relaxes into his hold, so certain of her place there.

“Camden will behave just as soon as he hears what she has to say,” Cal says, around a mouthful of bacon sandwich.

“And before that?” Bryce asks, as he gathers up the plates and empty mugs and puts them in the sink. “I’m not having him lose his shit whilst Louisa’s around. I don’t care what trouble he has with Grim.”

“We’ll make sure he doesn’t. I promise,” I say, standing.

“Where are you going, Asia?” Sonny asks, reaching for me.

“To see if Camden’s alright, of course.”

“I’ll come too.” Sonny gets up and places his hand on the small of my back.

“And me…” Eastern begins, but Cal rests his hand on his shoulder.

“You and Ford can stay put and wash up the dishes.”

“No way, man,” Eastern grumbles.

Ford stands and heads towards the sink. “Let them deal with Camden. Sonny seems to piss him off the least anyway. You and I aren’t top of his best buddy list.”

Eastern swears under his breath but he stays put. “Fine, I’ll dry you can wash. Catch you later?” he says to me.

“Only if you’re prepared to chase me.”

“Always,” he whispers.

“See, you’ve got them in hand already. Behind every man is a strong woman,” Louisa remarks, smiling at me knowingly.

“You got that right, baby,” Bryce agrees, kissing her adoringly.

“Come on, I’m gonna puke if these lot carry on the way they are. Let’s find Camden,” Sonny says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen as laughter follows us down the hall.

“Are they always like that?”

“So loved up and touchy-feely? Yeah, all the damn time,” Sonny confirms.

I nod. “It must be nice to be loved so fiercely.”

“Yeah, it must be,” Sonny agrees, squeezing my hand that little bit tighter.