“Look, I know this is a lot to take in. That this is bigger than any of you understood and I’m not going to pretend that there isn’t a possibility that this won’t go tits up, but if we pull together then maybe you don’t have to end up as a statistic, Camden. Another kid lost to the system; another woman hurt by a sadistic bastard who has no fucking morals. We can help. Let us,” Cal urges.

“What do we need to do?” Ford asks, sitting forward.

“You need to keep up the pretence of disliking each other…”

“Shouldn’t be hard,” Camden interrupts, glaring at Ford.

“Mr Burnside has put you in these groups to give you a reason to be in each other’s company, but Monk needs to believe you are still enemies to keep Camden’s mum safe. We keep everything on the downlow until there’s a plan in place,” Cal continues. “As far as the rest of the school is concerned you guys are getting a social trip this weekend as part of this new scheme Mr Burnside has put together. You get it first because of the fight that broke out today. It’s already all over the school, so we’re taking advantage of that. We’re taking you to an undisclosed location fortherapyas far as everyone else is concerned. We leave first thing Saturday morning. We meet with the Freed brothers and Grim and we make a plan. We sort this shit out.”

“What about Ruby, Pink, Kate?” I ask.

“Pink will be cool, Kate too once she knows about everything, though right now she’s angry,” Sonny says, pulling a face.

“No shit,” I respond.

“I’m not sure about Ruby, though. She’s so shit scared of Monk that she might rat us all out to protect herself,” Sonny says, unafraid to speak the truth. He’s right, beaten women often side with the men who hurt them for fear of repercussions if they don’t and that makes her a dangerous ally.

Cal rubs a hand over his face. “Ruby will be taken off- sight this weekend under Mr Burnside’s recommendations. She’s already shown signs of wanting to commit suicide because of everything that little arsehole has put her through. So, he’s taking her out of the equation for her own mental health and to keep her away from Monk. She’s being placed in a home for kids with emotional issues. She’ll be taken good care of, I promise.”

“She wanted to commit suicide?” I ask, choking on the words.

Camden smashes his fist against the desk, making me jump. “That little prick Monk. I swear to you I didn’t know about what he was doing to her.”

“And if you had what could you have done?” Cal says. When Camden scowls he holds his hands up to placate. “I’m not having a dig at you, but really, what could you’ve done, eh? Monk’s his father’s son, and his father has your mother. You beat the shit out of Monk, your mother pays. It’s a no-win situation for you. I can see that even if others in the past haven’t been able to.”

“She’s so broken.” I mumble. Eastern squeezes my hand tightly and Sonny curls his fingers around mine.

“Yeah, she is. The kid’s in a bad way, but this care facility she’s going to is full of people who will help her to heal. I’m only sorry we couldn’t get to her sooner.” Cal sighs.

“I’ve been so wrapped up in my own shit that I haven’t been there for her like I should’ve.”

“Asia, you’re one person. You aren’t responsible for the wellbeing of every kid in this school,” Ford says, turning to face me. He rests his hand on my leg, squeezing gently.

“I can try,” I mutter.

“Ruby isn’t your responsibility, she’s mine. I’m the one who let her down,” Camden says, rage and a deep-seated pain flashing in his eyes. We all fall silent. No one has any words of comfort for Camden, because we all know deep down he’s right even if that is fucked up.

“This whole thing is risky. Monk might be a prick, but he’s no fool,” Sonny says, breaking the silence that has descended like an oppressive fog. “He’ll know shit is up if we all start giving each other the time of day.”

“Then we just have to convince him. Make him believe we’re still enemies,” Ford says.

“Wearestill enemies,” Camden snaps. “I’m tolerating you for Asia. Don’t think for one second this makes us friends, arsehole.”

Ford nods. “Got it.”

Cal looks at his watch, then frowns. “It’s almost curfew so we need to wrap this up, but whilst I agree that this is risky, I’m also going to be honest with you Camden,” he says regarding him. “We might be the only chance you have. I see no other way of getting you out of this shit you’re in and if that means relying on Ford, on the rest of these guys, then you’re going to have to trust us.”

Camden squeezes his eyes shut, pressing his fingers against them. He takes a long, steadying breath then straightens his shoulders. “Then I guess I’m doing this.”

“Good,” Cal nods, looking at each of us in turn. “Let me give you all a piece of advice. I was once a kid who trusted no one. I fought my corner to survive. I was thrown from one foster home to another until I ended up in a group care home for kids who were difficult to place anywhere else. That’s where I met the Freed brothers. That’s where I foundmyfamily. We hated each other at first but now I’d lay my life down for Hud, Bryce and Max and they’d do the same for me.”

“And your point is?” Camden asks.

“Look, I know there’s history and distrust between you and Ford, between all of you in some way, but believe me when I say that once you find true friends, afamilywho has your back they’re the only ones worth a shit in this world. Let Ford prove his worth, let him make amends and then decide whether you want to remain enemies. Either way he’s got your back and that has to count for something.”

“Unless he can bring back the dead, Fordcan’tmake amends. So, forgive me if I think you’re talking shit, Cal.”

“Camden,” I start, but he shakes his head.

“No, Asia. I’ve gotnochoice but to bring down the King, but I do get to choose who I make family. Ford lost that right the night my sister died. I’ll tolerate him for you but that’s it, that’s the only promise I can make.”

“Then I’ll make a promise of my own, Camden, I’ll look out for you regardless. No matter what.”