“Yes, was. She died a year ago. Hud’s anger has escalated since then. He needs retribution. Just like you all do.”

“What happened to her?” Eastern asks.

“After a business deal went south and Hud refused to work with Santiago, he sent his minions to beat Beth so bad that she was paralysed from the waist down. She was in a care home until she passed. Her life was taken by that bastard and Hud feels responsible.”

Camden shifts uncomfortably on the chair. “So what’s this Santiago prick got to do with the King?”

“He’s in business with him selling cocaine and heroin to the vast majority of the south coast.”

“Holy fuck!” Eastern exclaims. He grips my hand, his fingers twining with mine tightly. I know what he’s thinking, that this is bigger than any of us ever thought. I glance at him frowning.

“Your mum and Bray are safe, Eastern. We made sure of it,” I say, trying to reassure him, hoping I’m right.

Cal glances between us. “As soon as Sonny told us what’s been happening, we sent someone to watch over your mum just in case. He’s a good man. Ex SAS,he’llkeep her safe.”

Eastern grips my hand tighter. “You don’t trust the police to look after her?”

“Honestly, no.”

“Fuck me!” Eastern swears.

“And what about my mum? What about her? The only person who’s looking out for her is me, and now I’m about to put her in even more danger if what you’re saying is true!” Camden exclaims. He stands, scraping a hand over his face. “I need to go. This was a stupid fucking idea.” He looks at me. “I’m sorry, Asia. But the risk is too high. It’s too fucking high.”

“Wait,” Cal says, holding his hands up. “As long as the King still believes you’re on his side, then she’ll remain safe.”

“She’s not safe. She’s never been safe with him.”

“No, I hear that, but he won’t kill her so long as he thinks he has you under orders. We’ll figure this out, okay?” Cal says.

“No, it’s not fucking okay. Monk is suspicious as it is. Who’s to say he’s not fucking listening in on this conversation right now?”

“He isn’t. Buddy is working with Monk and Frank has his little sheep, or should I saywolves. They’re both trying to knock some fucking sense into them. A couple of them might be turned around, but Monk… he’s a lost cause. He’s his father’s son, I’m afraid.”

“No shit,” I mumble.

“So, what do we do?” Eastern asks.

“We need to get away from Oceanside to work out how to move forward. Like I said, Mr Carmichael signed off on your trip out of here this Saturday. In five days, we’ll meet with the Freeds, with Grim, and we’ll make a plan.”

“What the fuck has Grim got to do with this?” Camden asks, glaring at Cal. “What has Ford told you about her?”

“Let’s just say, she has a vested interest of her own and let’s leave it at that, okay? It ain’t my place to tell her story. You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Yeah, a vested interest inmoney. The Freed brothers might not be dodgy, but she fucking is. You can’t trust her.”

“I trust Hud and he trusts her. That’s all I need to know.”

“You’re a fool,” Camden mutters.

“But what about Crown. Why don’t we just tell him all of this? Surely, everything you know about this Santiago dude and the King will be enough to appease him, get Eastern off the hook and Camden out of trouble? I don’t get why we don’t just do that,” I say.

“Because we needproof. The word on the street, the whispers, they aren’t enough. Every decision Crown has made so far is all to get to the King, to Santiago. If he had proof then Eastern would be locked up in juvie already. The fact of the matter is, Camden was going to be the sacrifice, theproof. Crown is using you both to get to Camden, what he hadn’t counted on was you having a conscience, Asia.”

“Jesus,” I whisper, glancing at Camden. He’s putting on a brave face, but I can tell this is getting to him.

“Crown isn’t interested if you go down Camden, and after everything we’ve learned there’s no way we’re going to let that happen.”

“This is just fucking perfect,” Camden mutters.