Aloud pounding on the door has Camden cursing and me sitting up in bed.

“Asia, goddamn it, you better be in here!”

Fuck, Eastern.

“Goddamn that fucker,” Camden complains, groaning as he throws back the covers and strides over to the door.

“What are you doing?” I screech, my cheeks flushing traitorously as my gaze lands on his semi-boner. Fuck me, he’s a showeranda grower.

“Opening the door,” he responds, looking at me as though I’ve lost a few brain cells whilst I’ve been asleep. Then starts grinning when he notices my gaze drag up from his pretty dick, over his tattoo and ripped chest, finally resting on his topaz eyes.

“You’re naked!” I hiss, pointing out the obvious.


“And you have a semi going on,” I say, waving my hand in the general direction of his dick. When he grins with intent, I shake my head. “I don’t want a repeat of earlier and you getting into a fight, especially not like that.”

“Like what?”

“Nakedwith asemi, for fuck sake. You could injure it,” I blurt out, scrambling out of bed

and yanking my wardrobe doors open. I’ve still got the black tracksuit bottoms and grey t-shirt Ford lent me when I stayed in his room last term. I chuck them at Camden. “Put those on.”

He catches them and smirks, stalking me. “We could just ignore him, Asia,” he mutters, pressing me up against the wall. He rests his forearm against the wall by my head, and a sudden rash of heat rushes over my skin.

“Camden,” I say, though it comes out more of a plea than a warning.

“Yes, Asia?” he asks, leaning down and brushing his lips against my own sending firebolts of electricity right to my clit. Jesus.

Eastern calls my name again, just as Camden slides his tongue over the seam of my lips. I groan into his mouth and he growls, swearing under his breath. “Better let the fucker in,” he says, stepping back.

I cough, scraping a hand through my hair, trying to get a hold of myself and nod to the clothes he’s got bundled in his hand. “Not until you’re dressed.”

“You’ve had these all along…?” he asks holding them up.

I know what he’s getting at and I roll my eyes. “I forgot. Just put the damn things on.”

He laughs but does what I ask, then makes himself comfortable on my bed, grinning at me mercilessly.

“Open the door then,” he smirks, as he adjusts his considerably sized dick.

“Fuck sake,” I mutter under my breath, pulling the door open, hoping I don’t look like how I feel; a girl who is wound up and needing to be fucked.

I’m surprised to find Sonny stumbling forward, almost falling headfirst into my chest.

“Sonny, what the fuck? I exclaim. “You’re picking my locks again… with one arm?”

He rights himself and gives me a sheepish look. “I’m the resident lock picker, and you weren’t answering. What was I supposed to do?”

“Wait?” I retort, rolling my eyes and glancing at Eastern and Ford behind him. From his position on the bed, Camden won’t be able to see Ford. I’m not sure it’s wise that he’s here, honestly.

“None of us are particularly patient, are you okay?” he asks me, flicking his gaze to Camden who’s still lying on my bed.

“Of course, she is. What the fuck do you take me for?” Camden smirks from his spot on my bed, looking like the cat that’s got the cream. Back to the arrogance then. I shake my head. How the hell am I going to manage these four?

“I’ll choose not to answer that,” Sonny replies as Eastern enters the room behind him. He takes one look at my dishevelled hair, crumpled clothes and Camden’s salacious grin and swears loudly.