“Camden! Calm the fuck down,” Eastern says, only prompting afuck youin response.
He’s struggling in Cal’s hold, his teeth gnashing. When I approach him, he seems to shut down further. His topaz eyes no longer warm and inviting, but shards of ice.
“Let him go, Cal,” I say, locking my gaze with Camden. In my peripheral vision I can see Eastern staring at me, concern written across his handsome face.
“Asia. I wouldn’t,” he warns.
“It’s okay, Eastern. I got this.”
“Let me help you.”
Eastern gives me a frustrated look, but he knows me better than to try and change my mind when I’m determined. Right now, Camden’s living in his past, consumed by it and I need him to come back to the present.
“You sure?” Cal asks.
“I’m sure.”
Cal slowly releases Camden’s arms, backing away. The second he’s free, Camden rips off his gloves and runs from the room. I don’t hesitate. I run after him. He sprints out of the building, through the grounds and towards the one place I know he needs to be right now.
“Asia, wait,” Eastern calls, catching up with me at the edge of the maze. He grabs hold of my arm, forcing me to stop.
“Asia. You can’t fix this.”
“He’s hurting, Eastern.”
“Exactly. Wild things that hurt are the most dangerous. You don’t owe him anything.”
“That’s a matter of opinion. Either way he needs someone.” I try to shake Eastern off me, but he refuses to let me go.
“I don’t want you hurt. You don’t know what he’s capable of when he’s like this, Asia.”
“I know that I can’t leave him to his own thoughts. I know that I’m going to see if he’s alright regardless of what you say. I know that if you follow me and he sees you then he’ll react badly. I don’t need to see him beat the shit out of someone else I care about.”
“Why do you do this? You can’t save everyone.”
A wind picks up, buffeting against us both causing my hair to whip around my face. I pull up my hoody, protecting my head from the cold.
“Because it’s the right thing to do. Because I couldn’t save my mum and I’ll be damned if I see someone else lose theirs to this bullshit life we live.”
“So you’ve decided not to go through with it?” Eastern asks, finally releasing his hold on me.
“I’ve decided not to fuckCamdenover. I won’t do that to him, or his mum. Can you honestly say you’d be happy doing the same?”
He breathes out slow, his shoulders slumping. “No, I wouldn’t, but what are we going to do now?” He frowns then grips me tightly. “I’ll take the sentence. I’ll go to prison.”
“No fucking way, Eastern. That isn’t even an option. We’ll think of something. Just know I don’t have an issue taking the King down. He needs to pay. He’s the one responsible for all this shit. Not you, not Camden, buthim,” I spit.
Eastern watches me closely, then nods his head sharply before he cups my face in his palm and kisses me deeply.
“You’re the bravest person I know. Be careful, okay?”
“I will. Go check on Ford for me. Keep Cal and Mr Burnside busy. I need time with Camden.”
“You got it.”