“Monk punched Kate when she tried to get between us,” Eastern blurts out. “He knocked her to the ground.”

“Wait, what? Why would Kate need to get between you and Monk?”

“Because we were fighting,” Eastern explains, having the good grace to look guilty. “Sonny hauled me away from Monk in the scuffle and got punched by Monk for the trouble. He lost his footing and slipped on some snow on the roof, falling awkwardly. I heard the fucking bone snap.”

“Why were you even fighting, Eastern? You need to learn to walk away!” I yell, angry that he broke his promise to me, angry that he put himself in danger, put everyone in danger. Now look where we are.

“He picked a fight withme, Asia. Not the other way around. The kid’s a fucking headcase. He was burning for trouble. I walked away so many times, but he kept coming for me. He kept saying all this shit about what he’d do to Kate and Pink, what he’d do to you the second Camden’s back is turned. He’s a sick fuck.”

“You shouldn’t have gone up there. None of you should’ve. What were you all thinking?”

“Who are you to say what we can and can’t do, Asia? You lost the right to have an opinion when you chose them over us,” Kate snaps, her words having the desired effect.

My nostrils flare in anger, but I refuse to take the bait. “In a couple minutes Carmichael will be here. How are we going to explain this away?” I ask.

“I’mfucking responsible. We were messing around, sparring. I caught Sonny on the face, and he fell. Got it?!” Ford says.

“Wait! Why the fuck are you protecting Monk?” Pink snaps.

“I’m not protecting Monk. I’m protectingus.”

“How do you work that out?” Pink argues as she rubs her hand over Kate’s back. She’s clearly in shock, her teeth are chattering and her body trembling just as much as Sonny. Her anger for me seems to be the only thing keeping her from passing out most likely.

“We wereallout of bounds after curfew. We were partying on the damn roof,” Ford says, exasperated. “Kate isn’t just messed up from the punch Monk threw but because she’s fuckinghigh. Monk goes down, we all fucking go down. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to get chucked out of here to finish my sentence in fucking juvie,” Ford says.

“Why does that prick get away with everything though? He starts it all andnothinghappens,” Pink exclaims. She’s right of course. He does get away with everything.

“We haven’t got time to talk about what that prick Monk does or doesn’t deserve. Sonny’s our priority right now,” Ford counters.

“Monk ain’t worth the trouble,” Sonny says, catching my eye, a meaningful look hidden within his own. He tries to shift himself on the bed but cries out instead.

“Fuck me sideways, this motherfucking hurts.” Half a second later, Sonny pales further. “I think I might pass out…”

“Come on man, you can take the piss out of me all you like so long as you stay awake,” Eastern says, kneeling beside him and giving him a half-hearted smile. I look at Eastern and Sonny agog.

“Since when have you two got close enough to rib each other without it leading to a fist fight?”

“Since you’ve been spending all your time with Camden,” Kate butts in, glaring at me.

I frown, biting down on the response I want to say. Instead, I look at Ford. “You could still get chucked back into juvie for this. You’re herebecauseof your fighting. It breaks the terms of your sentence if you say you and Sonny were fighting, even if it was just messing about.”

“Fuck,” he mutters, realising I’m right.

“I’ll tell them I fell climbing down from the roof,” Sonny manages to say through the pain.

“That’s fucking ridiculous,” Eastern cuts in. “No one’s going to believe that. Who willingly climbs down from the roof when they can just take the fucking stairs.”

“Sonny does, I’ve seen him in action,” I confirm. “He escaped Red’s bedroom and Bram’s fists the first day I arrived by climbing out the window and shimmying down the drainpipe. Max, his foster parent, saw him do it.” I don’t mention the fact that not more than half an hour ago he just did the same. Oh, the fucking irony.

“Exactly. They don’t call meSpideyfor nothing.” Sonny attempts a smile, then promptly throws up all over Eastern’s feet.

“Fuck man,” Eastern says but it isn’t because he’s concerned about his trainers, more so Sonny. In the midst of all this mess, I’m glad they’ve become friends.

“Okay, this is what we’re going to do.” I turn to Pink. “Take Kate to her room. Make sure she’s okay. If Carmichael sees her then he’ll know this was more than an accident and he’ll dig for more information.

Pink nods tightly and helps Kate to her feet. I reach out when they pass me, resting my hand on Kate’s arm. “Monk won’t get away with this, Ipromise,” I say, meaning it. I will get retribution. We all will. Eventually.

“Don’t pretend that you actually give a shit,” she responds.

Pink winces, but she doesn’t correct Kate. I see the look of disappointment in her eyes too, therejection. Blowing out a long breath, I pinch the bridge of my nose forcing my emotions back. If only they knew. I’m doing this allbecauseI give a shit, because I care, because I’m looking out for everyone the best way I can.