“NO!” I shout. “This isn’t just the way it is!”

“Shh!” she says, holding her finger up to her lips. “You can’t. You got away with beating Monk at the Tower that night, but Camden didn’t. He paid for allowing that to happen.”

“What do you mean?”

“Shit went down over Christmas break, Asia.”

“The fight between Camden and Ford you mean?”

“No, not the fight.”

“What then? Tell me!”

Ruby leans in close, her eyes wide with fear.

“Shit, Ruby, just tell me.” Her fear is beginning to freak me out. This is crazy, no one should have to feel this way about some jumped up, arrogantbully.

“Monk’s theKing’sson, Asia…”

“What the fuck?!” I exclaim, shocked. “You mean that criminal everyone knows about but has never seen. He’s like the fucking Loch Ness monster.” I mean, I know more about him than most, but Ruby doesn’t need to know that.

“Erm no, he’s more like Dracula given the amount of blood he likes to spill…” Ruby says, glancing at the door, real honest to God terror in her eyes. “And the King spilt a lot of blood over the holiday. He took out his displeasure on the one person Camden loves above anyone else… his mum.”

“Hismum?” I whisper-shout.

“Yeah, his mum. The King hit Camden where it hurts. He’s a sick bastard. Sick. And Monk is exactly like him.”

“Jesus!”I hiss.

“Not only does the King own Camden, he owns his mum too. He hurt her as penance. So you see there’s nothing you can do for me. Nothing Camden can do, not if he wants to see his mum alive.”



I stumble backwards into the table. My pulse pounding loudly in my ear.

“Camden’s mum is the King’sgirlfriend. At least that’s what he pretends. Only she’s not. He owns her, Asia. Just like he owns us all.”

For a few seconds I just stare at Ruby, taken aback. All the anger I feel evaporates into fear. Thick, oppressive, sick-making, body-tremblingfear.

Fear for Ruby and what Monk is doing to her. Fear for Eastern and the possible repercussions of his talk with Crown. Fear for Bray and Tracy because maybe the King’s reach is further than we all thought. Fear for Camden and his mum. Fear for me.

“Do you understand now? Camden might have done bad things but all for his mother, to helpher. It’s fucked up. So, when I tell you to watch your back, I’m not kidding, Asia. Monk is his father’s son.”

Outside the corridor starts to fill with other pupils leaving their classes. A few members of No Name crew walk past. One of them stops and narrows his eyes at us. If I remember correctly, his name’s Lee. I’m tempted to walk over and slam the door in his damn face but getting into another fight when I need Ruby to elaborate right this fucking second wouldn’t be wise.

“What the fuck are you two whispering about?” he asks.

“How your dick is no bigger than my pinky, wank stain,” I retort automatically, not in the mood to entertain another arsehole with all this shit going on.

“Say that again!” He steps inside the classroom, only to be yanked back by a familiar face.

“Don’t. She ain’t worth it,” Sonny says, giving me an apologetic look that’s quickly covered up with a scowl as soon as Lee looks at him. “Let’s go.”

“She’s HH crew now. She’s our enemy.”

“I saidlet’s go!” Sonny snaps, grabbing Lee’s shoulder and pulling him backwards.