“That rotten, dirty bastard!” I shout, unable to help myself. “Does Camden know about this?”

Ruby shakes her head. “Shh, keep your voice down!” she warns me. “Camden doesn’t have any idea and I’m not going to tell him.”

“Why the fuck not? Are youinsane? If you can’t defend yourself against Monk, then someone needs to do that for you. Camden needs to!”

“Even if he knew he couldn’t do anything about it. His hands are tied, Asia.”

“That’s just an excuse to get away with doing jack shit!” I hiss. Mr Carmichael had said the exact same thing to me earlier and it’s quickly becoming my most despised excuse. I’m fed up of all the excuses.

“No. Hereallycan’t.”


Ruby shakes her head. “I’ve said way too much already.”

“Ruby!” I warn, stepping closer. She flinches as though I’m going to hit her.

“Shit, he really has done a number on you. You need to fight back.”

“I’m not like you. I don’t know how to fight.”

“So you just take it?”

“I survive.”

A sudden overwhelming urge to scream bubbles up my throat and it takes everything in me to keep it inside. That motherfucker is going to get served his arse a second time and I don’t give a flying fuck if it causes problems in the damn crew.

“Look, I appreciate you warning me about Monk. But seriously, I’m sick of hearing that he has immunity. It’s bullshit.”

“But he does have immunity. Monkcan’tbe dropped from the crew, Asia. Camden can’t touch him. They’ve clashed so many times over the last couple years and he’s never been able to really fuck him up. A punch here and there, but nothing more than that.” She looks at me, blowing out a breath.


“No one in the crew aside from me and Camden know…”

“Know what, Ruby?”

“And I only know because Monk let it slip one time when he was punishing me,” she continues.

“Ruby,fuck. Punishing you? That motherfucking bastard.”

“This didn’t come from me, okay,” she says, ignoring my outburst.

“Of course not,” I say reeling. Monk beats her and she just takes it? I can’t even begin to understand that.

“No, you have to promise me.”

I grip hold of Ruby’s shoulders, squeezing. “I promise you, Ruby. I won’t say a word. But I can’t promise you I’m not going to kick Monk’s arse again.”

“You were amazing that night, but that ain’t gonna happen again. Not now you’re in the crew. No infighting.” She pulls a face, rolling her eyes.

“You’re shitting me right? Look at your bruises, Ruby! Hebeatsyou. Regularly, by the looks of it.”

“No one knows about that… except now you.”

“And you expect me not to do anything about it? For fuck sake.”

“I know. But that’s just the way it is.”